Chapter fifty four

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It took three days for Dad to come home. Three days of barely leaving the lab (I only left for the bare minimum; food, drinks, and emergencies).

"You look like shit." He greeted after turning off my music.

"What else is new?" I retorted, still facing my work.

"You built a suit."

"You can't stop me."

"I'm selling the tower. You're moving upstate."

"I'm buying the tower and I'm not moving anywhere against my will."

"How did you know?" He walked over and sat next to me.

"I have social media, and I watch the news. I don't live under a rock."

"You can't afford the tower."

"Yes I can. I've calculated it."


"I own Hunter tech and I own stock in Stark Industries, thanks to you."

"I'm taking everything with me."

"I'm not using it for production."

"Then what are you using it for? And for the love of god put down the damn stylus."

I sighed, made the hologram disappear, and turned toward him. "A place for heroes."

"It already is a place for heroes."

"Not the kind I'm thinking about."

"Then who?"

"People that have taken justice into their own hands."

"What makes you think they'll trust you?"

"Nothing yet— but I have a plan. Once Hydra stops chasing me—"

"A plan?" He rubbed his face, "Jesus Liz—"

He was cut off by his phone ringing. Once he saw who it was, he spoke again. This time he was distracted, speaking fast and stepping towards the window with it opening as he got closer.

"I'll just sign the deed over to you once we're moved out. Uh..." He glanced at his phone. "No more fighting crime. And, Uh..." He was to the window and called his suit. "No more suits."

"But—" I attempted to defend myself, but he was already out the window, flying in one of his new suits. "Hypocrite." I growled.

I grabbed my jacket and began to storm out.

"Where do you think you're going?" Natasha questioned, standing in the entrance to the elevator.

It was obvious that she was trying to block the exit, but she didn't seem to be doing that well of a job.

"I'm visiting a friend. I need to let off some steam."

"We have a gym."

"Yup." I attempted to pass her, but she grabbed my arm.

"You can't leave the building. Hydra's still after you."

"I don't care anymore." I yanked my arm free from her grasp and stepped into the elevator.

"Elizabeth, this is for your own health." She pleaded.

"So what? It's not like it matters anymore."

"Don't talk like that."

"I don't care anymore." I repeated as the doors started to close.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., Black Widow override on the elevator."

"F.A.I.T.H., override." I spoke, and the elevator began moving again. "Thank you."

"Anytime Elizabeth. May I ask where you're going?"

"On a run. Before you ask, I don't care if you listen in." I threw on my jacket and untangled my earbuds. "Tell me if Dad comes back to the tower, not like he'll want to talk to me anyway."


By the time the elevator opened in the Lobby, I was all situated. I was wearing one of my old Stark Industries Zip-ups with the hood up so no one would recognize me, along with my earbuds situated comfortably and Faith doing her best to stay silent.

"Notify me if you see any face too many times." I murmured as I opened the front door to the slight bit of early fall air.

"Sure thing."

And I was off. Too caught up in my own world to even take notice of the trap just a couple of blocks from the apartment I was about to visit.

So of course, me being the idiot that I am, got trapped. One goon in front of me, one behind me, and one on each side. At least one calling the shots, so that makes five enemies. No way could I fight my way out of this.

They closed in on me faster than I would like to admit.


Hey guys, first thing's first...


Okay, now on to business. I'm still working on the next chapter and since you guys are so unbelievably amazing , I was wondering if you all could help me out.

So, my plan right now is to end this fic with a cliffhanger, then start another fic (pretty much a sequel) that's all one-shots (with either prompts that you guys give me or ones I find).

Or, I could just another story as the sequel.

What do you guys think?












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