Chapter thirty eight

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We gathered everyone up (except Bruce, he just wanted to work) and headed down to the floor where all of the games were played.

"Just to warn everyone these weapons haven't been used for a while, they might be a little—" Dad stopped once the elevator doors opened and the floor was flooded with lights.

"Sorry, I get bored after homework." I skipped over to the weapons.

Shiny and rather new, the weapons were organised by type. There were weapons of all types, guns, knives, whips, bombs, every weapon I could think of.

Everyone picked whatever weapon they wanted then we headed over to the room where we choose our teams.

"Okay," I spoke up. "Nat and Clint can be the team leaders."

They threw smirks at each other, knowing what happened last time.

Never, ever again are we allowing both of the assassins on the same team.

"You can pick first, you'll need the help." Natasha smirked to Clint.

"Okay then." He shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Come on Liz."

I smiled and stood by his side.

"Let's go Steve."

They went on until everyone had been chosen, before we departed to our different areas Dad spoke up. Natasha had chosen him.

"Wait, what do we get when we win?" He glanced around.

"If you win." I smirked.

"Oh, we will." He smirked.

"Okay then, how about the winning team gets to decide where we eat lunch?"

"And bragging rights of course." Steve laughed.

"Deal." Clint and Natasha spoke in unison.

"Okay, let's do this thing!" I exclaimed, Clint motioned for us to follow him and both teams ran to their side of the maze.

We suited up (just a simple black jacket with hidden sensors) then we started to make a plan.

On my team was Wanda, Supergirl, and Clint.

"Okay, Liz, you designed the game, right?" Clint questioned me.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"So you know where the hidden sensors are, right?"

"Yeah." I nodded, motioning to parts of my own suit. "There's one here," I pointed to the chest. "Here," I pointed to the back. "And these spots." I motioned to the shoulders and helmet.

"Okay, you can hide somewhere and tell us where everyone is using the earpieces. Supergirl, you can shoot almost better than me so you can find somewhere on the railings and shoot from there, I'll do the same. Wanda—"

"I already have an idea." She nodded.

"Okay, let's go." He nodded.

We all jogged to where we were going to work, I ran to the control board where I could see and hear everything. I made it in case the Techy people (Bruce, Dad, and I) were on a team but something told me that he would rather use force this game.

"Okay guys, I'm ready." I spoke into my earpiece.

"Where is everybody?" Wanda questioned.

"Bucky's just around the corner from you, to your right. Steve is using a laser shield to sneak around the perimeter. Tony is heading toward you, Clint. But I can't find Natasha."

"Yeah, I figured that much." Clint sighed.

"Tony's down. Good job Clint, but watch out he still has two lives left." I warned. "Oh! Eyes on Nat, she's a right and a left away from you Wanda. Watch out, she won't go down without a fight."

"Got it." She responded.

Over the Comms I heard the sound of someone losing a life, Wanda appeared behind me.

"Have fun?" I laughed.

"You be quiet." She huffed and slipped her knives back into her pockets.

She walked over to me and examined the screen.

"If this is what you intend to do the entire time then why did you grab a gun?"

"Well what were I to do if you weren't here in a few seconds when—" I spun around shot my laser gun at Steve, who was just about to sneak in. "That happened." I turned back around and put the gun away.

"Good shot." She nodded.

"Thanks, I've been working on it."

Once the game was over (we won, obviously) Clint picked the pizza place just down the street, which (luckily) everyone liked.

We decided it would be better if we walked.

As we walked by one of the biggest buildings, two people in costumes ran up to us.

"Oh my god!" The one dressed as a female Loki cried, running at Supergirl.

"They're exact replicas!" The other girl, who was dressed as a female Thor started examining Supergirl's metal hands, which were the only metal peeking out from the sweatshirt.

"What the—" Supergirl pulled away.

The girls gasped. "They work too!"

"Oh my God!"

"How'd you make them?"

Supergirl glanced at me, obviously asking for help.

Oh my god, I forgot Comic-Con was in town. Everyone else had dawned sweatshirts, hats, and sunglasses, just to try to blend into the crowd.

The girls pushed up the sleeves on Supergirl's sweatshirt, revealing more and more metal.

"You can't be the real one... right?" Female Loki eyed her.

"The real what?" Supergirl eyed them.

"No, it's not possible she's too— perfect, it doesn't make sense." Female Thor shook her head.

"Yeah there's no—" She looked forward, face blank, "I am with the Hydra." Then she returned to her semi-perfect posture.

"Dude, I told you that you needed to read the latest issue, she escaped! See? This is why you need to stay up-to-date with important information."

They started to bicker, so I took the chance to pull Supergirl away from them.

As soon as we were far enough I burst out laughing.

"Sorry 'bout that, I forgot Comic-Con was this week." I laughed as we walked.

"What just happened?" Supergirl breathed.

"You, I believe, just met your first fans."


Hey guys! Oh wow, we're almost at three thousand five hundred reads! That's freaking nuts!

Well, as always...







See you next time!

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