Chapter thirty four

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"Is she back to normal?" I murmured to Bruce.

We had Supergirl and the girl run on treadmills to test their stamina and how fast they could go.

"She's in there, somewhere. But it'll take time, so don't push too hard, okay?"

"I know." I sighed, nodding.

My phone started buzzing, a text.

"Liz, wanna train?" It read.

"Sure." I typed.

I looked up at Bruce and clicked my phone off.

"Hey, Bruce, I'm going to go train with dad, can you handle this?"

"I'm pretty sure." He nodded.

I headed down to the training room to find Bucky and Steve fighting while dad was sitting on the couch, a water bottle in hand.

"Where's Nat and Clint?" I questioned.

"Making sure Supergirl doesn't go haywire." He shrugged.

"Okay, what kind of fight do you want? You vs. me or you vs. robot?"

"How about us? We haven't done that in a while."

"Okay." I nodded.

I walked to the middle of the room and placed my hands up as he had shown me.

After a few dozen punches and kicks I sent him to the ground.

"Come on Iron Man, you're going to let a little girl beat you?" I teased.

"You're fast, and small." He grunted and jumped up.

"You're strong and normal-sized, your point?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I can't fight a kid."

"Okay, fine sore loser." I smirked, then called, "Bucky! Do you want to do me a favor?"

"Depends..." He came over, eying me.

"You get to hit my dad." I bartered.

"Anything." He smirked.

"Good, now can I hack into your arm?"

"Wh-What kind of question is that?"

"A Stark one. But usually we don't ask." I smirked and walked over to my laptop. "Wait, this isn't right." I sat down.

"What?" Dad walked over to me.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., why didn't you notify us?" I looked to the ceiling.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. is dead." A deep, scratchy voice answered.

My breath ceased. My heartbeat boomed in my ears.

The voice that haunted my nightmares.

"You're dead." I stood up, my voice shaking.

"See you soon, honey."

My hand clamped over my mouth, stopping the sob that I knew would come. My throat closed and I stumbled back into my seat

Oh God. I thought, this can't be happening.

But it was.

I couldn't stop it.

Why did I ever think I could escape?

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