Chapter fourty

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The next morning I woke up to find Supergirl gone. It wasn't unusual, but today? When she's scheduled to be interrogated? Not cool.

I looked around a while before finding her in the gym with Dad, she seemed to be teaching him how to activate the safety mechanism in her arms.

"Good, let's try it again, remember, if I am activated then I will most likely flinch when you deactivate my arms."

Dad nodded. "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"You can never be sure."

A couple of minutes later the barrage of agents walked in, guns loaded.

"Supergirl, come with us." One of the agents stepped forward.

She looked up from her fight and wiped the sweat off of her face.

"Where is Elizabeth?" She questioned, her eyes flitting around the room.

"She'll meet you there, I promise." Dad nodded.

Supergirl nodded, though there was a doubtful, almost fearful, gleam in her eyes.

The agents surged forward, two grabbed her arms and pulled her into the formation. They lead her to the elevator and headed outside.

"Come on, I know you're listening in." Dad sighed.

I stepped out of the shadows and took a few steps toward him.

"When will we see her again?" I questioned, my voice breaking.

"We're helping with the tech side of things, don't worry, we'll see her soon."

"Good." I nodded.

"Almost everyone's already there, so we should get going soon."

I nodded.

As I took my seat in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, I couldn't help but feel out of place. Sure my dad was next to me, but everyone was an adult with an agenda. I just wanted to bring Supergirl home safely.

"Klinge Der Nacht, correct?" The interrogator started.

He had a heavy german ring to his voice, as if he had grown up there, I had met him just before he went in, a wheesely man, mousy and quiet. He was hiding something, I could tell.

"I prefer Supergirl." She answered.

Much to my annoyance they had locked her in a sort of portable-cell, and strapped her down.

"Sure you do." He nodded and checked his phone. "Okay Supergirl, what happened during your disappearance?"

She raised an eyebrow.

"You were missing for over eight years, surely something eventful happened."

"That is none of your concern." She spat.

"Of course it's of my concern, Klinge Der Nacht, Hydra created you—"

"My name is Supergirl and Hydra did not create me!" She snarled, cutting him off. "Hydra merely broke me."

"Good." He smirked.

The lights went out.

"Somebody get to Supergirl!" I yelled.

I spun to one of the agents, the leader.

"You told me this facility wasn't compromised." I growled.

"It wasn't!" He argued.

The only light was the flashing of emergency lights booting on.

I took off down the hallway, heading toward the interrogation room.

Down one, two, three hallways and finally I found the room.

Bodies littered every hallway that I passed, agents. Some unconscious, so many more dead.

Oh God.

Oh God.

Oh God.

The cell that they had her in was punched out. The interrogator was off to the side, unconscious. Steve ran in behind me.

"Dammit! She got away!" He growled.

"She was activated. It isn't her fault." I glared at him.

"Come on, before someone gets killed." He pulled me toward the door.

Willingly, I followed him.

We found her in the main lobby, fighting Dad. Tables, pushed, broken. She threw Dad to the side and ran toward the door.

"Supergirl!" I yelled and ran after her.

Steve grabbed me around my waist and set me down, "I'll go get her," he sighed.

A few hours later I was pacing worriedly at the end of Supergirl's hospital bed. S.H.I.E.L.D. had made me stay in here in case she was still Klinge Der Nacht when she woke up. The only person who really disagreed to that little order was my dad, he was just scared that I would get hurt.

Everyone cared more about everyone else's safety than my own. Including me.

"Ow..." Supergirl stirred.

I launched myself and hugged her. "Oh God, thank God you're okay." Then I pulled back.

"What happened? What did I do?" She questioned.

"A lot of bad stuff, we're trying to figure out how they got to you."

"The man asking the questions. He is the one that started the activation. The rest is blurry."

I nodded. "It's okay."

"No it is not. Ten damn words turn me into something I am not. Ten words. That is all it takes for the Hydra to take over my brain." She glared at the wall. "Just lock me up, somewhere where I cannot hurt anyone."

"It's not you. It's not your fault—" I tried to convince her.

"It was my hands. Just because it was not my mind does not mean that it was not my body. I do not want to hurt you Elizabeth. I would rather die."

"I know." I nodded.


Hey guys! Guess what?

WE HIT 4K READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's absolutely nuts! You guys are amazing!

What do you guys think of the story so far? 

I've been working on the story in a Google Doc and I currently have up to chapter 55 written, so if you guys  want me to update just comment and I'll probably update!







PS: I was thinking of entering this story into the Watty's... what do you guys think?

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