Chapter twenty two

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I opened my eyes and looked around, Elizabeth was sleeping peacefully on my bed, though I could tell she was still in a lot of pain. So, I walked to the kitchen and grabbed an apple.

"How's she doing?" Iron Man was already sitting at the table.

"She is good." I nodded. "Though she has a bad burn on her shoulder."

"Will she be alright?"

"I believe so. She just needs some time to rest."

"Good." He nodded.

"What happened after I left yesterday?"

"Not much, we talked and Hydra did a lot of talking so we decided to keep you inside until this is all sorted out."

"Okay, I was not planning on going anywhere anyway."

"Oh, and steer clear of Capsical, he really doesn't like you."

"Got it." I nodded and started eating my apple. "What about the Inventor? Did you guys bring him in?"

"Uh... no we, uh— he's... kind of..."

"Spit it out Metal man."

"Iron Man." He automatically corrected me. "The Inventor's dead."

I sighed and rubbed my face. "Did you at least punch him for me?"

"No, but I handcuffed him and everything. We didn't shoot him, someone else did."


"I don't know. We were loading him into the helicarrier and somebody shot him, that's all we know."

I sighed again.

Weeks went by, I broke the news to Elizabeth as soon as she woke up.

The press learned that the Inventor had died so it was all over the papers, all over the news. That was pretty hard on Elizabeth, not being able to even turn on the television without it talking about how "The Great James Hunter was murdered in a gang related shooting" or whatever they're saying these days.

How he would never hurt a fly.

How he donated to charities.

Not how he hurt his only daughter.

Or how he made machines for criminals.

Because you wouldn't want to hurt a dead man's reputation, right?

Because he was such an amazing and nice person?

Elizabeth started school, Iron Man adopted her (With the help and permission of Pepper of course).

Two weeks after that day, Hydra attacked Avenger Tower.

They took down the Avengers who stood in their way.

They knew exactly when to attack, Black Widow was on a mission, Bruce was in the soundproof part of the lab, Elizabeth was in school, the only people that had to fight were Captain America and Hawkeye, who were both in the gym and had been working for hours by that time.

Hydra tortured me, punishment for not obeying them, punishment for killing so many of their agents.

When I woke up, any part of me that even slightly disobeyed Hydra was gone. They compared me to the one known as the Winter Soldier.

They said that they have learned from their mistakes.

Now I am fully activated.

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