Chapter fifty three

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When I woke up, I was alone.

No, not some weird dream world where I'm the only one. I was still in the medical floor of the tower, but I was alone.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., where is everybody?" I called out.

"Mr. Stark is still in the upstate Avengers facility with Mr. Rhodes. Ms. Romanoff is in the kitchen with Dr. Banner, and the rest of the Avengers are at unknown locations. Would you like me to inform Dr. Banner you're awake?"

"Sure." I sighed.

Within a few minutes both Nat and Bruce were at my side.

"What the hell happened?" Nat demanded.

"While you people were screwing around upstate I got myself shot." I sighed.

"By who?"

"Hydra. I don't know what they wanted from me... Why isn't Dad here?"

"He's still busy upstate. I think he better tell you why."

"Why? What happened? Is he okay?"

She sighed and brought out her phone. "He'd better tell you, I'm going to call him and tell him how it's going here." She began to walk away.

I grabbed her arm before she could get too far away.

"Don't tell him I got hurt. Please."

"I'm not going to make that promise. You know I can't."

I sighed, nodded, and let her go.

"I should've helped you." Bruce muttered, changing my bandage.

"It was too big of a risk, you know that." I sighed and rubbed my face, trying not to flinch as he wrapped the bandage around my wound.

Hopefully Nat wouldn't tell Dad about what happened— but part of me still wanted him to know.

When Bruce left to go talk to Nat, the medic bay went silent.

With a grunt and a groan I hoisted myself up and snuck into the lab.

"Faith pull up the blueprints to my newest project."

"I'm glad to see you're awake Elizabeth. Which project?"

"My newest suit. And make sure to put up the walls just in case."

"Okay Elizabeth."

The hologram flickered to life in front of me, showing blueprints to a suit.

I sat in my rolling chair and wheeled over to the table and grabbed my stylus (the silver one, Bruce got green, and Dad got red), then started to work on my blueprints.

"Nat told Tony that you got shot. I told him that you showed up to the tower in a suit that wasn't his." Bruce spoke behind me in the doorway, causing me to jump.

"You had no right." I made my hologram disappear and set my stylus down.

"It was for your own protection."

"No, it was to save your own ass. I can handle myself."

"Elizabeth, you got shot!"

"Yeah, and I'm fine now!"

"Then stand up and prove it!"

I hesitated, then shakily stood up.

"I'm fine." I spoke through clenched teeth, trying to put as little weight on my bad leg as possible.

"No, you aren't. Now come back upstairs so we can help you."

"I don't need help!" I turned back around to sit down and accidentally put all of my weight on my bad leg.

I fell forward and grabbed the desk for support, letting out a quiet yell of pain.

"Elizabeth!" Bruce ran forward and wrapped my arm around his neck so he could help me walk. "Elizabeth, you need help."

"No I don't." I shoved him away and sat back in my rolling chair. "I'm fine." I huffed.

"No you aren't! Now come back or I'll call Tony, or Pepper, or Happy— I'll call someone."

"You wouldn't dare." I growled.

"We both know I would." He growled.

"Bruce, with all due respect, back off and mind your own business." I turned around in my chair and faced the desk.

"You know I can't do that." He spoke softly and calmly.

"Well you better damn well try."

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