Chapter twenty four

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I haven't seen Supergirl in seven years. None of the Avengers would tell me what had happened to her, I wish they would, even if it's bad. I just need to know what happened to her.

But there was one particular day where no one really said anything or did anything and they all kept glancing at me. Finally at diner I said something.

"Okay guys, you're hiding something from me, I can tell. Did I do something wrong or something?" I demanded.

Dad sighed and rubbed his face. "I knew I shouldn't've told any of you." He glared at the other Avengers.

"What? Come on, what'd I do? I swear I didn't try and hack F.R.I.D.A.Y. again."

"No, you didn't do anything."

"Than what happened?"

"Bruce and I were poking around and... you're adopted."

"Uh, yeah, by you." I pointed out.

"No before that. Do you remember anything about your mom?"

"No, I was always told that she was killed by some superhero. Wait you're telling me that James Hunter wasn't my real father?"


"I-I can't believe it. I-I'll be in the lab if anyone needs me." I shook my head, stood up, then almost ran to the lab.

I just had to get out of there.

If it was true then why would he keep me? He absolutely hated me, it would just be easier to return me, I would definitely have less scars.

"Tony told you?" Bruce glanced up from his work.

"Uh, yeah, how can you tell?" I wiped a tear from my eye.

"You came back early from dinner, too early for you to have eaten."

"Yeah." I nodded. "Just like old times." I sighed and turned my attention to the metal and bolts in my hand.

"We don't know who your biological parents are yet."

"It doesn't really matter anymore, in a few years years I'll be an adult."

"A few years in a long time." He shrugged.

"Sometimes. Doesn't Dad have some big speech tomorrow?"

"Yeah." He laughed.

I fell asleep working in the lab, once I woke up I went to my room and got changed into a simple dress for the speech.

As I was getting ready I spoke.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., where is everybody?" I questioned.

"The Avengers are on separate missions, Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts are both in the kitchen."

"Thanks." I nodded, secured my necklace, then finished straightening my dress.

It was simple, not too elaborate. Just a short white dress with a black design of butterflies.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple.

"Where'd you get that dress?" Pepper asked me.

"Oh, just something from my old place." I shrugged.

She smiled, "I might just have to borrow that sometime." She joked.

"You'll know where it'll be." I smiled.

Hours later, instead of reading or working, I was sitting next to Dad, trying to explain to him for the hundredth time why he shouldn't get up.

Once he was stable Pepper had to go and talk to the press. I stayed by his side.

"You know, you should really get some rest. I can bring you some food if you want." Bruce suggested.

"I'm fine." I shook my head. "I'm just— I'm fine."

"We're all here for you, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, Steve's already been down here about twenty times, everybody's been down here at least once." I laughed.

"It's because they're worried."

"I know." I shrugged. "But they should be looking for the shooter."

"They're working on it." He assured me.

"Then I wish them luck, I already did the math, I checked all of the cameras, I've done everything." I handed him my lap top. "Just check it over, I would love to be wrong about this. According to my calculations, and the city's cameras, the shooter would have to be a ghost. There's no shooter unless they could've possibly shot from an impossible distance."

He gazed at me confusedly then set my laptop down and opened it. The more he read, the more he looked over, his eyes grew.

Finally he looked up at me, his eyes larger than watermelons. "You did this?"

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "I know, I know, I could've done better, but I haven't slept in a really long time and that was all off of pure Redbull and coffee power. But tell me, did I make a mistake?"

"No, this is perfection, you could get into Harvard or Yale with this sort of thing, and you're in high school."

"I already have." I sighed. "To be more specific, every college in and out of the country. But my father didn't want me to be more accomplished than him, so I stayed in middle school, trying not to fix my teachers mistakes."

"That's... crazy!"

"Just tell me if I made a mistake." I begged.

"No, this— this is perfect." He gaped at the screen.

"Damnit!" I slammed my fist on the table.

I pulled it back and took a deep breath.

"Watch your language." Steve appeared in the doorway.

I raised an eyebrow at him and let out a laugh.

"Okay Cap, then you explain to me how a ghost can shoot my dad with a sniper rifle." I shot.

"I—I... Uh... Don't know." He shook his head, surprised by my sudden outburst.

"S-Sorry." I rubbed my face and leaned back. "I didn't mean to yell at you like that. It was wrong of me to do so."

I expected him to yell at me or hit me, something to punish me for speaking to him without respect. But no punishment came.

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