Chapter thirty three

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Whoever the man was that had entered my cell just over ten minutes ago was really starting to tick me off.

Finally I just got sick of him.

I stepped forward to fight him, but the door burst open. I froze, watching the person that had entered.

"Klinge Der Nacht. You have new orders." Agent Barnes informed me.

"What are they?" I questioned.

"Come with us and don't fight."

"Yes sir." I nodded and followed him out of the room, passing the surprise-stricken man on the way out.

Agent Barnes lead me to another floor, one with machines of an infirmary.

"Uh, how am I supposed to get a blood sample from that?" A man walked over, syringe in hand.

This man must be some sort of scientist, I noted.

"How do they normally get a blood sample from you back at base?" Barnes questioned me.

"Cuts." I answered.

"More detail."

"I am normally told to cut myself until I am ordered to stop, that is when they get a blood sample."

"That's... horrible." The scientist gaped at me.

I raised an eyebrow at the scientist.

Like you care.

Then I brought out one of my knives, pulled up my tank top, then cut a thin line down my side. The cut started bleeding, so I grabbed the syringe from the doctor's hand and filled it with my blood.

"Blood sample." I handed it to him as my wound quickly healed.

He accepted it hesitantly, and I pulled my tank top back down.

I stood there as he ran tests on my blood, each time he got new information he would make a remark about the cruelty of Hydra.

No emotion, no movement, I stood there.

Waiting for orders.

Waiting for something.

Finally, I heard footsteps enter.

"What the hell is that thing doing out of the cell?" The blond-haired man demanded.

"Supergirl is—" The Winter Soldier was cut off by Alivia, moving around.

"Wh-where a-am I-I?" She tried to run but tripped over medical supplies.

When she tried to run the other direction I threw a knife and pinned her to the wall.

Less than a millisecond later the blond man hit me with his shield. I caught it in one hand but my weight was too small, the force was too great and I was thrown into the wall.

"Ugh." I groaned, falling forward onto my hands and knees.

The shield skid across the floor and the blonde man picked it up. I clenched my fist then charged him.

For the first time since god-knows-when I was acting on my own, out of pure anger.

And, of course, it failed.

I was smacked to the side by the man, thrown into a table head first.

"Stop it!" Agent Barnes stepped in between us.

I stopped, but only for a second, then pushed Agent Barnes away and continued attacking the blonde man.

In mid-punch something small attached onto my left arm and it stopped working. I dodged the second disk and turned toward the attacker.

A woman in a tight black jumpsuit stood in front of me, eyes slightly wide, as if she had been trained not to show fear, though at this time she was failing.

"Natasha." Agent Barnes warned the woman. "Just back up slowly."

The woman, apparently named Natasha, slowly started to back up. My hand (the one that was working) instinctively reached for a gun, she was getting too far away for a knife.

"You might want to go faster." He warned her.

She picked up speed and, before I could get tackled to the side (yet again), I ran after her. She took off at a run, and I chased. The blonde man ran after me and once he got close enough he jumped at me.

I was thrown forward and broke my fall with my good arm.

"Bruce!" The giant blonde man yelled. "Get me some handcuffs!"

The mousy little scientist ran up to the scene, metal cuffs in hand. He handed them to the man then left.

I struggled as the handcuffs were forced around my wrists, the metal disk removed from my upper left arm.

The man pulled me back to the lab.

"That is why we shouldn't let stupid Hydra agents out of cages." He growled, shoving me into a chair.

"Technically I just follow orders." I spoke up. "A tool for Whoever cares to rent me. Who do you work for? The Inventor? S.H.I.E.L.D.? Hydra? Or is this a test?"

The Blond man ignored me, Agent Barnes was too busy glaring at the man to answer, so the man they called 'Bruce' answered.

"S.H.I.E.L.D., we're the good guys, or at least that's what we hope."

"I have done some missions for S.H.I.E.L.D.." I nodded.

"I thought they wiped you." Agent barnes eyed me.

"And then your friend over here slammed my head into a wall." I motioned to the man. "Oh, and the suit thing hit me pretty hard."

"That's Steve and the suit's name is Tony." Bruce informed me.

"I am not usually allowed to know names. What is the mission?"

"There is no mission, you're free now." Agent Barnes told me.

I let out a laugh. "No one is ever free from Hydra, you should know that by now."

"What're they planing?" Steve demanded.

"How should I know? All I know is that before I brought you in," I motioned to the Winter Soldier. "They had plans to bring you in and, once your training was over and you were fully activated, they were to order you to kill me."

Over on the wall Alivia whimpered.

"Oh, yes." I stood up, broke the cuffs, then removed the knife from her sleeve.

She massaged the skin around where the knife had been, then tried to run again. I grabbed the hood of her sweatshirt and pulled her back, she hissed at me as I did so.

I raised an eyebrow and she went silent.

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