Chapter twenty six

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"Are you kidding me?" I demanded. "We've been looking for you for an hour now! Bruce is worried sick!"

"I'm fine." Dad shrugged with only one shoulder.

I crossed my arms, "No you aren't. You were shot."

"So what? I've been shot before."

"Not like this! Dad, we don't even know who hurt you, for all we know they might try again."

"Whoever they were, they taunted me."

"It's not taunting, it's attempted murder."

"Then why'd they shoot at the ground before shooting me?"

"Maybe they missed." I shrugged. "Now come on, you're scaring Bruce." I motioned for him to follow me.

He sighed but came with me anyway.

"Bruce!" I yelled. "I found him!"

"Oh, thank God!" He exclaimed from the other room then he ran in and started working on the computer. "I'll tell the others."

A few moments later Steve stormed in, fuming.

"Are you kidding me Stark?" He demanded.

"Yeah, I'm going to go to bed before this, uh, conversation plays out." I spoke, pointing to the elevator then jogged away.

The elevator doors closed just as the yelling started, thank goodness.

But I couldn't worry about that now, because now I had to get some sleep. And thinking about whatever was happening in the floors below me would just delay my sleep.

I remembered being woken up earlier than the sun by F.R.I.D.A.Y., telling me that the Avengers were searching for my dad.

It had scared the living daylights out of me, my mind jumped to the worst conclusions, kidnapped, dead.

Not like the old days where I would love if my father went missing, even for just a couple of hours.

The next day there was someone new at the table. I sat down a little bit away from him, but I couldn't quite stop myself from staring at his metal arm.

How did it work?

How'd he get it?

Why'd he get it?

"Pancakes!" Steve sang out and started passing around plates with pancakes.

He set one in front of me and I started to eat.

"So are we all ready for the plan?" Steve spoke up as we all ate.

The Avengers nodded, so did the man.

"Is there anyway I'm allowed to know the plan?" I questioned.

"It's probably best if you don't know." Dad shrugged.

"Okay." I shrugged.

I glanced around the table to find the man and Steve having an argument under their breaths.

It seemed that Steve won so, he looked to me triumphantly and said, "Elizabeth, this is Bucky, Bucky, Elizabeth."


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