Chapter forty eight

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"Do you really think that'll get under my skin?" I sighed. "That was like once, and you made me do it."

"It wasn't meant to bother you Honey." He leaned forward with a smirk.

"What the hell is he talking about?" Steve stormed in.

"One second." I looked to Hunter then got up and pushed the giant super soldier— also known as Steve— into the hallway and shut the door behind me.

"You've killed people before?" He questioned.

"News flash Cap we aren't all as perfect as you. Some of us have done some stupid stuff and I've killed people before. It's not a big deal. I've gotten over it, so should you."

"No big deal? No big deal? You're a kid! That's the big deal!"

"It doesn't matter anymore! It already happened, it's not like we can go back in time and fix it."

"You're grounded."

"Grounded? You can't ground me! You have no power over me other than what that stupid serum gave you! You— Hey!" I yelled as he picked me up like I weighed nothing, "PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled. "Steve put me down! This isn't okay!"

I had a horrible flashback of back when I still lived with Hunter, whenever I didn't cooperate when he wanted me to move he would pick me up and throw me into another room— or sometimes just out of his sight.

My heart started to pound, my breaths became rugged and uneven, I felt as if I were dying. I felt numb, terrified, and light headed.

I started to breath as if I had athema.

Please don't throw me

I begged internally.



Oh God please.

"Bruce? Uh, something happened to Elizabeth!" Steve yelled and gently put me down on one of the couches.

Bruce and the rest of the team ran out, Dad included.

"Woah, hey you okay?" Dad ran to my side.

He crouched down and examined me.

When he realized what was happening his eyes widened.

"You get panic attacks too?" He breathed quiet enough for only me to hear. "Bruce help me get her to the lab." He motioned to the scientist to help me up.

They got me settled in the lab, as soon as I could speak Dad started to interrogate me.

"Are you okay?" He questioned.

"I'm fine." I insisted.

"Is that a side-effect of the serum?" Bruce asked.

"No." I sipped my hot chocolate.

"When did you start your panic attacks?" Dad sat down across from me.

"First time I got anything lower than an A on anything. I thought it had been— I thought it was gone. But no, as soon as Steve picked me up," I snapped my fingers, "flashback then attack."

"What was the flashback of?" Bruce pulled up a chair and leaned in.

"N-Nothing?" I attempted to lie, but staring into their eyes— well, trust be it's hard to lie to those two.

"Elizabeth tell us what you saw."

"I'm fine. C'mon, there's an interrogating to finish." I attempted to stand up but Dad and Bruce pushed me back into the chair.

"You're not fine. Tell us what you saw."

"The past. Now can someone please tell Steve that I'm okay, he probably feels really bad." I begged.

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