Chapter twenty

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Iron Man hasn't been around for a few days.

The rest of the Avengers are thinking about searching for him, but a few of them think he just took a breather.

I took off my bracelet and started speaking.

"Text mode: Do you know where the Man of Iron is?"

"Talk mode activated. Oh God, it's so great to hear from you, I was scared something bad had happened."

"Do you know where the Man of Iron is?" I repeated

"Yeah. He came to my house after I didn't go to work for a few days and father went nuts, he pulled out a gun."

"Is Iron Man still alive?"

"Yeah, every night once father passes out I sneak down and make sure he's fed and everything."

"Good. Hey, you need to go hide in your room, okay? We are coming."


"Me and the Avengers, so hide and lock the door."

She sighed. "Okay."

"I have to go, I will see you soon." I took off my bracelet and placed it back on my wrist then walked the kitchen where everyone was gathered. "I know where the Man of Iron is." I announced.

"Where?" Captain America jumped up.

"The Inventor's house."

"Where the hell is that?"

"I know where it is."

"Okay then, let's suit up!"

As they changed into their suits I just sat there.

We loaded into the Quinjet and Natasha sat in the cockpit.

"So, where're we going?"

"The Hunter residence."

"Wait, like Elizabeth Hunter?" Cap spoke up. "The Inventor is Stark's assistant?"

"No. You will all understand once we are finished."

"So what's the plan?" Hawkeye looked to Cap.

"You three can go into the Inventor's lab, I will go upstairs and gather my human." I answered.

"How do we know that she's not going to help the Inventor?"

"She will not. To ensure that, I will bring her here."

They looked as if they were going to argue further but they knew there was no use.

A few minutes later Natasha spoke again.

"Okay, we're here." She announced. "Whatever you guys are planning on doing, do it quick."

"We have exactly thirty five seconds to get inside the house before the Inventor in notified of our presence."


"Okay, you are on your own." I shrugged. "Ready?"

"Yeah." Hawkeye nodded.

"Let's do this thing." Cap stood.

"Remember: Personal agendas do not matter. We are here for the Man of Iron, that is all." I looked to both of them then flew out of the Quinjet.

I flew to Elizabeth's room and found an open window. Immediately shots rang out.

The inventor had been waiting for me.

I grunted as he shot me multiple times.

I surged forward, hit him upside the head, and he crumpled to the ground.

Elizabeth was nowhere to be seen, but I knew where she might've been.

Nope, she wasn't in the woods, she was nowhere to be seen.

I stepped into the Quinjet.

"I will meet all of you back at the tower." I growled to Natasha. "Do not wait for me."

"No problem." She nodded and I flew off.

"You really do not want to mess with me right now." I growled and punched through a punching bag.

"Look, I don't care if you're pissed off, what the hell happened back there?" Cap demanded.

"They were gone."

"What were the gunshots then?"

"Bad things happen when I am pissed off Captain, I request that you do not piss me off." I growled.

"What were the gunshots?" He repeated.

"A guard. They shot me. Now leave." I snarled.

The air around me started to darken, turning darker by the second.

"That's not specific enough!" Cap yelled.

That's it.

I threw Cap against the wall and pinned him there.

"I told you. Do. Not. Piss. Me. Off." I growled and flew up to his eye level.

The whole room was completely pitch black, but I could see perfectly. Cap on the other hand, just knew he had no chance.

"Think about this Captain, I know your team watched the video of my torture. They told me it was your fault, and so far you haven't proved it any other way."

He didn't say anything, most likely because I had my arm against his throat.

Suddenly an all too familiar shock burned through my body, starting at my throat. Letting go of Captain America, I let out a scream of pain and fell to the ground. I clawed and ripped at the collar and finally the shocks stopped.

Breathing heavy, my vision finally cleared, I looked around, Cap was gone.

Dang it.

I stormed upstairs and towards my room.

"Do not speak to me." I growled as Natasha opened her mouth to speak as I walked past.

"Stark needs you." She spoke.

I stopped dead in my tracks, still not facing her. "What can I do?"

"You can go see him for starters."

I went silent, after a count of five I turned around. "Fine, but I will probably just make it worse."

"That's not possible." She assured me as I walked toward the elevator.

"You doubt my abilities." I laughed as the elevator doors shut.  

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