Chapter eight

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Once I got home I immediately went into my room and started to think.

If I was two people this would be so much easier. One me could be just a regular girl, the other me could be Supergirl full time.

I opened my eyes and jumped back onto my bed. I was wearing my super suit.

The person in front of me? The person in front of me was me.

She had her hair down like I always did, and she wore my usual black skinny jeans, half tucked in dress shirt with a tie, my black, no-slip gloves. Along with my grey sneakers and my grey zip-up sweatshirt. And around my neck was my mom's necklace with the single blue flower charm.

No way was this real... right?

"I can't believe that worked." We both breathed.

"Oh, that won't work." I shook my head.

"I agree," The nerdy me nodded. "If we say the same thing or do the same thing then it'll look strange."

"Okay, so I was thinking, we will need to be able to communicate with each other."

"How about a phone for you and a bracelet for me? No one would question why I have a bracelet, and I really doubt anyone would care why you have a phone." I suggested.

"Sure. That would work." She walked over to my desk and started pulling out scrap metal.

An hour later I gazed down at my new bracelet. It wasn't bulky. Elizabeth and I had made it just a thin chain that I could take off and it would latch around my ear.

She just got a phone, not as good but if she called then my bracelet would buzz and start to heat up. She could also type out the message and it would sound the same as her voice.

Father called Elizabeth down for dinner and I snuck out through the balcony, I avoided all of the cameras, then I flew toward the forest.

I flew deep enough that I couldn't walk four feet without walking into a tree.

"What a strange creature." I slowly approached a black bear.

The bear growled at me.

I sat down in front of the creature and continued to watch it. A few minutes later the bear left and I stood back up. I flew up to a tree and started to examine it.

My foot slipped and I fell down a few branches.

"Idiotic human creation." I growled and flew to the ground, only to find myself in a circle of men in military grade weapons and armor.

"Put your hands up and no one get's hurt!" Someone yelled.

"How about you all put your little weapons down and no one gets hurt?" I rolled my eyes.

"We can't do that." The circle started to get smaller.

"Then I do not regret this." I flew up and, before they could shoot at me, I blasted the circle of men into a circle of men in lots of pain... and a crater for their worries.

"The mutant's getting away!" One of the men yelled into his radio.

"Air one, two, and three go." The biggest man growled into his radio.

I flew above the clouds and above the trees.

The quiet purr of an engine ripped me from my thoughts, I turned toward the noise, three helicopters were surrounding me.

"Foolish humans." I snarled at the helicopters. "Your flying machines won't work against me."

All of a sudden there was a woosh next to me.

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