Chapter sixteen

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Blasts roared throughout the base. The Avengers were here, but they didn't care about me, they never did and they never will. They only cared about Iron Man. But he was unconscious, possibly dead.

How could you do that? He's our friend!

He is your friend.

I fought with myself, with Hydra, but they controlled me. I couldn't do anything about that. The words should've worn off hours ago, but they hadn't... why?

"We need more time." Mr. Deaton murmured. "Take the prisoner and return to your cell, sleep in the tube." He ordered.

I nodded, picked up Iron Man by the chair he was chained to then ripped the bolts away from the legs. Then I took him to my cell. It locked behind me and I placed Iron Man, still bound to the chair next to the tube. I stepped in and layed down. It closed around me and it threw me into a nightmare.

Elizabeth was younger, more fragile. Her father had been in the lab all day, but none of his inventions had been working for weeks. For that he turned to whatever alcohol was nearest.

She had been hiding in her room, watching Star Wars, hoping that her father would just pass out and forget about her for the night. But Elizabeth was never that lucky. A crash boomed from her father's lab and she jolted up, now fully awake and ran down the stairs.

He was passed out on the floor, a bottle of something was loosely gripped in his hand.

Elizabeth ran over to a locked cabinet, unlocked it, and grabbed a special syringe, she created it herself.

She kicked the bottle to the other side of the lab, extended his arm and inserted the syringe into his vein.

He gasped for air, then he hit her.

"I told you to stop inventing things, Bit—"

"I'm sorry." She held her throbbing face, her eyes watering.

"Get your ass out of my lab." He growled, his voice slurred.

She nodded and ran.

I jolted awake, something had awoken me. I was being carried through the halls of Avenger tower, I could feel metal armor, the design I recognized.


But I couldn't move.

"Do not try to move, small one. You are wounded." Thor gazed down at me.

I gave a slight nod, just enough to tell him that I understood.

A few moments later, Thor set me down.

"Wha-What happened?" I sat up, not feeling even the slightest bit of pain.

"The Black Widow shot you."

"Wh-What? Why? Where?" I examined my torso and my limbs, there was no wound, there was no bullet hole.

"You were attacking us. She shot you in the legs and stomach."

"Why do I not remember this? And why do I not have any wounds?"

"Just sit back, small one." Thor pushed me into a laying position on the medical bed.

I tried to get up, to see exactly where I was but Thor kept me down.

"Thor, I am not hurt, I am fine... Thor why are you not allowing me up?"

"I am under strict orders to not allow you to move."

"Why? I have not done anything wrong." I insisted.

"You have done many things wrong, small one." He glanced down at me, I could see the pity in his eyes.

"Thor, tell me what I did wrong."

"You remember." Captain America finally walked in, looking extremely pissed off.

"I really do not. Tell me, what did I do?"

"You're a soldier of Hydra, you almost killed Stark—"

"Captain! That's enough!" A new man walked in.

I sat up, much to the dislike of Thor, and gazed up at the man. He was strange but he was definitely someone of high authority. I couldn't rip my eyes from his eyepatch.

"Fury." Captain turned on him.

"Captain." The new man, Fury, growled.

Though it was only one word, I could tell that was probably one of the biggest threats he could say.

Captain huffed and stood off to the side.

"So," The man started walking toward me. "You're Hydra's newest soldier."

"I do not know what you are speaking of." I growled.

"See that thing around your neck, remember what that does?"

"Yes." I eyed him.

"It also records. We have audio on the whole thing, it also causes you a lot of pain and gives me some entertainment."

"Then you can prove my innocence."

"No, but we can listen to you torture Tony Stark."

"I do not torture. I would never hurt the Man of Iron. If I wanted to torture anyone I would surely choose the Captain of America."

"And why is that?"

"That is why they tortured me. Because one man was misled. The Captain of America believed it was so, so they kidnapped me and tortured me." I glared at Captain America the whole time I spoke.

"You were kidnapped because you're powerful, or at least they seem to think so."

"I am not."

"Let's have a little chat." He motioned for me to stand up and follow him, I did but Thor grabbed my arm before I could get too far.

"Thor, she won't be harmed." Fury spoke without looking back.

With hesitation, Thor unlatched my arm and I jogged after Fury.

"What is your identity?" I finally caught up with the tall man.


"What is your identity. Uh... your name?"

"Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D.."

"Is that who the Avengers work for?" I questioned, though I already knew the answer.

"Yes." He entered a room and I entered after him.

He locked the door behind me.

"You truly believe a petty door lock can hold me?" I laughed as I sat down.

"That's just protocal." He sat down across from me.

"What did you wish to speak to me about?"

"You're a danger to the Avengers and everyone else, some believe you should be terminated."

"But I did nothing wrong."

"That's what you think."

"I believe the truth." I growled.

"Tomorrow I'm ordering a stress test on you, if you activate during that then we'll decide what to do next."

"If not?"

"Then you'll be allowed to live with the Avengers, but they'll have orders to kill if you are somehow activated."

"I'm okay with that." I nodded.

"Good because you have no choice. Remember that collar in your nightmares because it's not coming off. If you do anything we don't like then anyone, and I mean everyone, has the right to shock you to kingdom-come."

"That's a little excessive and violent, do you not think?"

"Not at all." There was a certain gleam in his eyes, almost as if he were happy to torture me.

I gaped at him, horror eminent in my own eyes.  

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