Chapter twenty eight

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"Spill the beans," I ordered. "What aren't you guys telling me?"

"A lot." Natasha grumbled from across the table.

"I have a right to know some stuff! Maybe I can help."

"No, you aren't getting involved in this." Dad held the ice pack harder against his head, whoever or whatever had hit him, hit him hard.

"I think she has a right to know." Wanda sighed.

Ever since she had lost Pietro we had been pretty close.

"You have to watch out, no more leaving the tower. We don't know if Hydra will be targeting you next." Steve pointed out.

"Is that what happened? Hydra took the Bucky guy?" I questioned.

"Yeah." Clint nodded.

"Then maybe I can pull some strings, you know my old father had connections—"

"No. You of all people aren't getting mixed up with Hydra, I don't care for what reason." Dad ordered.

"Then what can I do?" I asked, playing with my phone under the table. "Wait, Bucky needs a microchip in his arm, right? To control it?"

"Don't you dare." Dad pointed a finger at me.

"Sorry, too late." I sat down the phone on the table and put my hands up in surrender.

Dad sighed. "This is why I shouldn't've gotten you a phone."

"You didn't get me this phone, you took the last one away for hacking into the NSA, this is the one I made."

"Of course it is."

"These are the weirdest family problems I've ever seen." Clint laughed.

"The NSA? What'd you want with the National Security Advisory?" Steve eyed me.

"You know, just checking in on our friends that don't tell us anything." I shrugged.

"Sometimes you are annoyingly smart." Dad pointed out.

"I know." I smirked and slid my phone to him, then got up and started walking toward the elevator. "I'll be in the lab."

"You have school in the morning!" Dad called after me, analyzing the the screen.

"I'll try not to work until I pass out again."

It didn't work, I still passed out.

But the next day woke me up plenty.

But before that came history, language arts, and math.

During a fascinating lecture about the laws of science, that's when I was woken up.

By none other than gunshots.

"Lockdown. This is not a drill." The principal came over the PA system.

The teacher went through the normal procedure, lock the door, turn off the lights, then had us hide away from the doors and windows. I sat at the front of the group, I figured that if anyone was to get shot it was to be me.

All was silent.

And then a scream, a gunshot— the screaming stopped.

This happened over and over again.

Closer and closer.

The more the kids behind me start to whimper and worry.

Finally the shadow of death fell over our door.

"Get everyone to the next room. Warn them silently then find an exit, I'll hold him off." I ordered the teacher.

"I-I can't let you do that." She whispered, tears streaking her face.

"You don't have to, when the authorities arrive tell them that I was stupid and didn't listen to you. I don't know, make up something. You're the hero here, not me, okay? You're going to get everyone out of here."

The window shattered as the gunner tried to break in.

"Go!" I yelled, pointing toward the door then standing up.

Luckily since I passed out in the lab the previous night I had forgotten to put back the screwdriver. Don't ask me why but I always seem to put it in my shoe...

"Wait, Robbie?" I questioned, gaping at the gunner and accidentally dropping my weapon.

"Step aside Elizabeth, you don't need to get hurt." He motioned with the gun for me to move.

"I won't do that Robbie, and I know you won't hurt me." I stepped closer to him, trying to block the view of the doorway.

"I don't want to hurt you Lizzy."

"Then don't! Walk away from this now! How many people have you shot today Robbie?"

"A lot."

"How many?"

"I lost track, but I'm only hurting the bad people."

"What people?"

"They hurt you too Lizzy, I'm doing us all a favor here."

"Think about their families! Robbie! Listen to me, you don't have to keep doing this! Just stop now, it's okay."

"You should be thanking me!" He yelled, pointing the gun at me.

I could hear people escape out the window behind me. At least if I died they would live.

Near-silent footsteps were stepping on broken glass down the hall, that must've been the police.

I needed to hurry.

"Just put down the gun. Everything's going to be okay. There's no need for anyone else to get involved."

"Shut up!" He yelled. "You don't need to get hurt!"

"Then stop hurting people! Robbie, you're better than this!"

"No I'm not!" He screamed and pulled the trigger.

Police officers flooded in, one shot Robbie as I stumbled back, clutching my stomach as blood started staining my shirt.

One rushed over to me, the others went to secure the premises.

Natasha had taught me how to deal with a bullet wound, but in the terror of the moment I completely forgot all of it. All I remembered was to keep pressure on the wound.

"Go... help... others." I coughed to the officer, coughing up blood.

"Shh kid, it's fine." Then he spoke into his radio, "We're going to need an ambulance."

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