Chapter thirty

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Luckily, I was able to sneak out of my hospital room for the funeral, I snuck across town to the funeral home and changed into a dress.

When it was my turn to speak I stood and spoke.

"I wasn't that close to Robbie, but I can assure you that he is the most amazing person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. The news will say that he was a horrible person, but that's a lie. He was pushed to the limit by his fellow students, pushed until he finally gave up fighting back. I blame his fellow students, the ones that don't know how to stop pushing. That's who I blame, not Robbie. Robbie was one of the nicest and smartest people I ever had the pleasure of meeting."

I wiped the tears from my eyes and sat back down.

Once the service was over I gave my condolences to the family and started leaving. From behind me I could hear someone yelling.

"Your son was a murderer! You raised a killer!"

I spun around to see a burly man yelling at Robbie's mother.

"Back off." I pushed the guy away from Mrs. Moore.

"Your son killed my kid!" He yelled.

"What's your kid's name?" I questioned.

"Frances." He grunted.

"I remember him, he was an asshole. Bullied over half of the school, blackmailed teachers. Would've loved to see him as an adult."

"You little—" He aimed a punch at my head but I dodged it.

"Just back off, you don't know the whole story." I gave the guy one last push then turned to Mrs. Moore. "May I walk you to your vehicle?" I questioned.

"I-I would like that very much." She sniffed and dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief.

"Robbie always talked about you, he said you were what made him sane." She spoke once we got to her car.

"We had similar problems, I just wish I could've stopped this before it happened."

"I do too." The old woman looked down.

"Hey, if anyone bothers you about this 'incident' just give me a call, okay?" I I handed her my number and she took it.

"I will." She nodded and got into her car. "See you another time."

"See you another time." I nodded.

The car pulled away and I started walking.

"Where do you think you're going this time?" Someone questioned behind me as I walked.

I turned around to find Steve. Of course.

"I was thinking the tower, why?" I smirked.

"Everyone's out looking for you, you shouldn't have snuck out like that."

"It's not like I went to a bar." I sighed.

"Still, come on, I'll give you a ride." He motioned to his car just around the corner.

"Fine." I shrugged and followed him.

He opened the door for me and I stepped in.

Once we got back to the tower and the Avengers finished 'talking' to me about how I shouldn't sneak out like that again, I spoke.

"So, I think the Inventor's alive."

Everyone froze, horror and surprise sketched onto their faces.

Before anyone could say anything I spoke again.

"But I also know where to find him."


Wow guys, you went above and beyond!

We got to almost 40 reads over our goal, wow!

So, as promised, I'm going to go on an updating spree.

As always,




All that jazz,

And keep on reading!

Peace out!

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