Chapter thirty seven

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Throughout the entire night Supergirl was murmuring something I couldn't quite make out. I worried about her, No one really knows what Hydra did to her. The ones that handled her are mostly dead, and Supergirl's memory was wiped multiple times so, we really have nothing to go off of.

Before I went to bed I left her one of my sweatshirts, knowing that she probably wanted to abandon anything that was directly linked to Hydra.

When I woke up the sweatshirt was gone, so was Supergirl.

I went down to the lab to find Dad passed out.

"Dad." I shook him and set a mug full of coffee in front of him.

"Wh-what?" He sat up, yawning.

"You fell asleep, once again. Have you seen Supergirl?"

"No, why?"

"Just wondering." I shrugged.

"Check the training room, that's where Buck always disappeared to when he first came back."

I nodded and headed back to the elevator.

A gasp escaped me when I saw the scene unfolding.

Supergirl, flying at eye level with Steve, her hand against his throat. Bucky was off to the side holding his face, blood dripping down from what might've been a nosebleed.

She was wearing my sweatshirt and what looked like jeans. Black with a white S.H.I.E.L.D. eagle in the middle.

"Supergirl!" I yelled and ran over. "Supergirl let go of him!" I pulled at the arm that was holding Steve's throat.

She looked as if she wanted to turn on me, but instead she blinked and released the super soldier.

He fell to his hands and knees, coughing, trying to get his breath to return.

"Justice and bravery my ass." Supergirl snarled at the man.

"Wow. Okay, I don't know where that came from but go over there and make sure Bucky's alright." I spoke up.

She huffed but walked over to Bucky and helped him up.

"Come on, I think we could all work off a little steam. Let's gather everybody up and play some laser tag." I suggested, motioning to the elevator.

They ended up agreeing to a game.

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