Chapter thirty nine

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A few weeks before the new school year started I brought up an idea that I had had a couple of times since Supergirl had returned. Dad, Bruce and I were working in the lab, me on some new arms for Supergirl, Dad and Bruce working on their own unknown project.

"Dad, you have to trust me on this one." I sighed, working on the left arm.

"It's a bad idea." He repeated, shaking his head and not looking up.

"I think it's an excellent idea." I smirked. "Come on, what could go wrong?"

"Everything. I've been working on a list since you brought it up, would you like me to write it up for you?"

I sighed. "You know, I could watch her, make sure we're placed into the same classes, that sort of stuff. It would be good for her, something to take her mind off of the whole 'Hydra' thing."

"I think she's having a great time in the tower. Bruce, what'd you think?"

"There's pros and cons to both options." He spoke up, not wanting to take part in an argument.

"Pick a side."

"Then I'm with Liz, maybe this is Supergirl's last chance to have a sort of real childhood."

I smirked. "See? Bruce has his head screwed on straight."

"What is up?" Supergirl walked in and sat down.

I laughed, "It's 'What's up' not 'What is up'."

I had been working with her the past few weeks on talking like a real person, but I hadn't been having much luck.

She shrugged then sat her head on the table and gazed up at the arms I was working on.

"So what were you all talking about?"

"Just debating whether or not you should go to school."

"Definitely not." She shook her head.

"HAHA See?" Dad taunted.

"Oh come on, why not? You could fit in." I ignored him.

"Okay, I will run you through one of the many things that could go wrong. Imagine if I am somehow activated and told to kill everyone in the building... what happens then?"

"Well... that wouldn't happen."

Supergirl raised an eyebrow.

"You're right," A new voice spoke, "It won't."

Everyone glanced up, we all set down our tools and gazed at the man standing in the doorway.

"Oh, come on, no pirates allowed." Dad groaned.

"Fury, What're you doing here?" I eyed the man.

"Assigning a mission. How fast can you get those arms done?" He glanced down at my project.

"At least another week."

"Fitz and Simmons will fly in to help you. Supergirl, you've got another day of freedom, then you're going in for questioning."

"Questioning?" Supergirl questioned.

He nodded.

Why would they need to question her?

A couple of hours later Supergirl had gone to the gym, Dad and Bruce had gone off to some meeting, Bucky was with Supergirl and I was alone in the lab, working.

"Uhh... Elizabeth?" A familiar voice ripped me from my trance.

I jumped, my eyes shot up the the person just to find Sky, along with Fitz and Simmons.

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