Chapter eighteen

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I sat up and rubbed my head.

What happened?

Ugh, I must've blacked out again.

Taped to the door was a note.

"Do not worry if they activate me."

That's all it said, and it was in my handwriting.

Why don't I remember writing that?

What does it even mean?

I'm so sick of not remembering things.

I walked over to the desk and gazed down at the papers.

"What the heck?" I started flipping through the papers.

Running my fingers through my hair, I tried reading the papers but couldn't so, I gathered them all up. Then I entered the kitchen and found Natasha sitting there talking with Clint. I set the papers in front of her.

"Can either of you tell me what the hell happened earlier today? I believe that I blacked out again, I just woke up and found these on my desk."

They glanced at each other and Natasha picked up the papers and scanned them. Her eyes widened and she elbowed Clint then pointed to something.

"Nat, I've told you hundreds of times, I don't read or speak Russian." He sighed.

"Well you should!"

They both glanced at me, I felt as if they were going to ask me to leave.

"I will be in the exercise area if anyone needs me." I sighed.

They nodded and I left, as soon as I was far enough away they started talking about whatever was written.

"Man of Iron! You are not dead!" I exclaimed when I saw Iron Man on the couch.

"It's Iron Man. Uh, yeah and you're back to—" He was elbowed into silence by Captain America.

"Where is Thor?" I questioned.

"He had some stuff to sort out back on Asgard."

I nodded.

"Want to spar?" I asked.

"No way, I'm still recovering from Hydra."

"Maybe another time."

Sadly, that never came.  


Sorry for such a short chapter guys, I'm going to update one more time today on Supergirl.

So sorry for not updating sooner, I've been super busy!

Please comment, follow, vote and all that jazz.

Bye bye!

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