Chapter 2: The End of the World (part 2)

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(Nora)- " I'll be right back, I'm going to check on my two favorite men" I nodded again. I turned my head towards the morning news, the achorman was breaking character- he was given something on camera, a piece of paper. This is strange. He was taking about something about D.C. being attacked-- my gosh.

(y/n)- " Codsworth-- get Nora and Ash"

(Codsworth)- " Yes" he says with a concerned voice.

(Nora)- " (y/n)--what's wrong?" I hear her voice. Ash comes into the room-- thinking it was him. This was much worse than that. Nora follows behind holding shaun in her arms. We all focus on the news broadcasting-- terrible news.

(TV)- " Followed by--yes, Followed by flashes, blinding flashes---"

(Nora)- " What is he saying?"

(TV)- " My God..." his reaction to reporting this was his true reaction. The screen projected a please stand by.This is so scary. My pulse felt like it was rising. A siren was going off close by, I was startled- I don't know what is happening, its going by so fast.

(Ash)- " We need to get to the vault-- now!"

(Nora)- " i got shaun, lets go! Come on (y/n)" I follow right next to Nora, we leave her house- door open. If this is the end of the world- leaving the door for intruders doesn't matter. Our other neighbors were panicing and gathering their things to find a place to run to. Items don't matter at a time like this. Ash follows some of the residents heading towards the the old small bridge. A couple had trouble with their cases of clothes they had dropped. The woman was yelling to leave them but the man didnt want to leave his treasured items behind.

(Ash)- " Come on, this way!" Ash looked over his shoulder to see if we were still with him. Nora held onto shaun tightly. I was still near Nora- I'm not letting her out of my sights, I'm so afraid. We reached the gate, it was guarded by these two armored men, and a man with a clipboard. The yellow suited man was trying to get in but they refused him, but isn't he part of it? He tried to force his way in but the armored soldiers had big guns. He stand down and left runnning for his life. Ash and rest of us reached towards the gate.

(Ash)- " We need to get in! We're on the list"

(soldier)- " Infant, adult male, adult female-- alright go on in" he steps aside to let us pass

(Nora)- " Thank you!" as Nora passed I was stopped

(y/n)- " No wait-- I'm with them! Nora!" I shouted for them. Nora turns back around to get me to pass.

(Nora)- " Let her through!"

(Ash)- " Nora!"

(Nora)- " Ash! (y/n)!" Ash came running back.

(Ash)- " She's with us let her pass!"

(Soldier)- " She's not on the list"

(Ash)- " She's family! She's my son's godmother, if something happens to us, she's there to take care of my son!" The soldier took a glance at me and back at Ash. He steps aside letting me pass, Ash grabs my arm pulling me in.

(Ash)- " Thank you" ash places his hand on my back to give me a head start to start running to the vault. Nora quickly hugs me with one arm, we proceed to go.

(Unknown)- " You three, follow me!" a man in a blue and yellow jumpsuit lead the way.

(Nora)- " What's going to happen to all those people outside the gate?"

(unknown)- " We're doing everything we can, now keep moving!"

We followed him, up a slight hill. I see other people standing around a metal plateform. What is this? A vault- I thought this was just a joke. Another man in a jumpsuit told us to step on the plateform in the center, oh my god this isn't happening. My family, my friends-- what's gonna happen to them? Ash gets on the plateform first- he grabs Nora to pull her and shaun closer to us. We stood very close to each other to make sure- we all make it together.

(Nora)- "We made it"

(Ash)- " We're fine, we're gonna be okay-- I love you both you"

(Nora)- " We love you too-- oh my god!" I protected my head behind Nora's back.

There was a bright white flash, blinding us for a quick second. In the ditance there was a massive yellow mushrrom like cloud- making the sky turn yellow and orange. I can hear the men in the jumpsuit yell to send the plateform down. The ground beneath my feet trembled, it was lowering down- something was coming, like a massive force of wind. We get lowered enough for us to be protected but those people above ground-- whats going to happen?!

Everything was dark, nothing was being lit. Was we go lower- light was finally being revealed. We reached ground level, there stood many people with blue and yellow jumpsuits. They told us this was gonna be our new home-- a new home for all of us? I don't want a new home, I want to go back to my home. By now-- its probably gone. We followed everyone- leading to inside the vault. I follow Ash and Nora-- I held on to Nora's shirt for some kind of comfort. A man to our left held a clipboard- counting how many people have entered.

(unknown)- " Please, take a jumpsuit"

We waited till it was our turn to get a jumpsuit, what is the purpose for these? Each of us got a jumpsuit, it had the numbers 111, the number of the vault. Ash follows this man in a lab coat-- a doctor perhaps? We walk down a corridor- windows showing what the rooms were. A married couple were heartbroken and worried about the woman's parents being in D.C. who was also attacked. My parents-- I hope they are okay. We continued to follow the doctor, who lead us to these machines that people were entering from.

(Doctor)- " Just step in here, and put your vault suits on" we changed into our vault suits-- it was skin tight. I felt strange wearing this. Ash and Nora get into these pods-- we were told it was a decontamination pod-- thats a little comforting. I had the pod next to Nora. She stepped in with shaun in her arms. I get into the pod, my thoughts were everywhere-- I couldn't hear what the computer voice was saying about me being contaminated. Everything was getting cold-- the small window viewing the pod acorrs me was getting frosted.I shut my eyes as i was getting very sleepy.

So yeah, more will be coming soon. If you're enjoying it so far, let me know and I'll start typing this story again :)

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