Chapter 6: The Adventure Begins....

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(time skip)

My eyes woke up on their own, I slept in Ash's bed-- he slept on a sleeping bag on the cement floor. It was still dark out-- everyone was still sleeping. Dogmeat was on the bed with me, laying by my feet. He kept me warm throughout the night-- I don't need a blanket. I was awake, waiting for Ash to wake up. I laid on my side, thinking to myself-- I'm going to the commonwealth. I'm going to see what's out there--people, raiders, creatures.

(Ash)- " Hey-- you awake?" I hear his low voice.

(y/n)- " Yeah"

(Ash)- " Lets get a head start"

(y/n)- " Right, uh-- is there anything I need to bring?" I had no clue what to bring out there-- I mean anything could be out there and I would be clueless on what to bring as a weapon or a bargaining chip. Ash sighs-- I know he doesn't want to bring me but I want to watch his back. He grabs a backpack and fills it up with things. After he was done-- he hands it to me, I put it behind me ready to go. Ash looks into his Pip-boy, I kinda wish I had one-- but I wouldn't really know what to do with it.

(y/n)- " What're you doing?"

(Ash)- " I'm placing a location marker, Mama Murphy gave me the coordinates where Diamond city is at"

(y/n)- " Are you sure we can trust these people Ash, I mean-- yeah they're friendly but can we really trust them?"

(Ash)- " I've been staying with them for weeks now-- I understand you don't trust them fully when you just woke up. Give them a chance-- they're good people"

(y/n)- " We'll see.." I mumbled to myself. If Ash trusts these people-- then I will too. Ash called for me, he was already getting a head start. I run up behind him to catch up. Is it weird that I'm kind of excited to explore? If I let Ash know then I know for sure he wouldn't let me go.  It doesn't matter-- As long as I have Ash here, nothing can go wrong-- we'll be able to find Shaun together. Nora, I know you're up there watching over the both of us....I just want to let you know that we will find your baby, and I will keep Ash and shaun safe. Nothing will distract me.

We just crossed over the wooden bridge out of Sanctuary, let me tell you-- I was scared as hell. We're about to reach Red Rocket station, Ash told me that's where he found Dogmeat. I'm glad nothing has tried to eat him yet. We followed the path of the station, nothing but bodies of what looks like....Rats?

(y/n)- " Ash...What is that....thing?"

(Ash)- " Those are mole Rats, they're vicious things-- so be careful when you see them"

(y/n)- " Weren't mole rats...smaller?"

(Ash)- " Keep in mind-- this isn't the world we know anymore" he chuckles. If something as small as mole rats gaining twice its size-- I don't want to know what else grew bigger.

As we continue a long the path, There we spot a dead animal-- Ash told me it was called a Brahmin. There was more-- it looked like giant mosquitos. There's a limit I can take and these things are already reaching my limit.

(Ash)- " Run away when you see these things, they can be really brutal"

(y/n)- " Like mosquitos?"

(Ash)- " Yeah, one latched onto me, bitch really hurt" as he rubs his chest.

(y/n)- " They don't carry diseases do they?"

(Ash)- " Probably but nothing bad has happened to me yet"

(y/n)- " Thats comforting"

We make it to Concord, I remember this area. As we walk though concord-- the wind started to blow in. The smell of rotting corpses enter my nose. I gagged, I covered my nose to try to filter out the smell. Ash had no problem breathing in the nasty air.

(y/n)- " How long do you think it will take to reach diamond city?" I say all muffled.

(Ash)- " Looking at the map, on foot we'll probably make it in two to three days maybe. four if we have trouble."

(y/n)- " We should be okay right?"

(Ash)- " We should, I'll teach you how to shoot a gun along the way"

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