Chapter 12: Memory Den

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I head towards the front of Goodneighbor, maybe I'll do some shopping...maybe purchase a few guns while I'm at it. I stop by Daisy's Discounts first.

(Daisy)- " Oh. A new face walks into my store. And you're not even screaming yet. Very polite. You let me know if anything catches your fancy." The whole humans being ghouls, was still a little distracting for me.

(y/n)- " Uh...what why would people be screaming at you?"

(Daisy)- " Newcomers haven't seen a ghoul before, I guess they can't handle a friendly face. So, you need any supplies?" I had one question in mind, But Hancock told me to keep my curiosity in my pocket, but I couldn't help it.

(y/n)- " What's it like...ya know-- being a ghoul?" There I said it.

(Daisy)- "It's a lot worse when people always ask about it all the time, but I guess I can't blame them. On the upside, I look pretty damn good for being 220 years old right?"

(y/n)- "Your 220 years old, no way"

(Daisy)- " Alright, alright-- more like 270 but don't go saying that around Goodneighbor. When you become a ghoul, you live longer. Thats when you stop counting birthdays. Do you know what's its like being old like me?"

(y/n)- " That's the funny thing...I do"

(Daisy)- " Are you making fun of me? If you weren't making fun of me you would have been around since the war. So tell me, what was the world like if your as old as I am"

(y/n)- " I had a beautiful house, a white picket fence...Grass as green as it can ever be. You can call it home, it was very peaceful" Just remembering home brings a little sadness to my eyes.

(Daisy)- " *sniff* Oh sorry.... Last thing you want to see is an old ghoul crying. It was peacful back then. You either a well-preserved ghoul or you just yanking my chain and read this in a book somewhere."

(y/n)- " It's the truth, believe me or not"

(Daisy)- " I believe you kid, now anything you were looking for?"

(y/n)- " Not right now, I'm was just getting to know Goodneighbor as all"

(Daisy)- " Do come back when you have free time"

I leave daisy's store and went next door. A robot stood behind the counter, this is...interesting.

(Kl-e-o)- "Well, hello. Everything here is guranteed to injure, maim, or kill at your discretion. Except me. I only kill when i want to." This robots voice was very...robotic, this is so weird. 

(y/n)- " Uhh...what, exactly are you?"

(Kl-e-o)- " I'm a woman, baby. Can't you tell?" Honestly no, but I shouldn't say that...not after what she previously said.

(y/n)- " Of course you are, I'm leaving now-- I've got places to be" I say leaving out. I was actually scared for a moment, I already want Ash back here.

I went back further into good neighbor, There was the memory Den I still haven't explored. I entered inside. Everything red inside-- it was nice in here. I followed through the hallway into a larger room. A woman with odd clothing sitting in the middle of the room.

(woman)- " I think you've stepped into the wrong palce, sweetheart. You dont look like you need the memory den. Do you even know what we do here?"

(y/n)- " Judging by the bright lights outside this place, I'm guessing it has to do with memories?"

(Woman)- " At least you can read. Let me tell you, reliving an experience? The Right experience? Its far more intense than anything else. But it's not for everyone"

(y/n)- "I get it, your cautious...but lady, I can handle myself. Can you give me a chance--I kind of want to experience this" I was really curious about this, reliving memories.. Maybe I can relive the moments when I was spending time with Nora, Ash and shaun. Feeding shaun the first time or when Ash and nora threw that barbeque.I miss those times.

(woman)- " Well, I suppose there's no harm in giving you a trial run. Now memories involving other people are easiest. Recent events involving loved ones, does anything come to mind?"

(y/n)- " Yes, My best friend, her husband and their baby-- they were like family to me. I would ike to see her." I said softly, I can't wait to see you too shaun.

(woman)- " Of course, I think we can help you. Allright, sit down in the lounger. We'll see what memories we can find in your head".

I sat at the closest lounger, my hands were shaking and my chest felt like it was going to burst. I can see Nora and Shaun again. The lounger door closes, having me to look at the screen. Please stand by, it was giving me flashbacks in my head.

(Woman)- " Doctor Amari, we have a new client. Can you find a memory we can plug into?"

(Amari)- " What kind of memory are we looking for?"

(woman)- " Anything involving her best friend."

(Amari)- " All right. Scanning the hippocampus...I've found something! The sync with the temporal lobes is strong."

(woman)- " Lets see....lift the curtain...its show time"

My eyes close...I was somewhere else. Like I was in my own head, it feels like my college days when I was tripping. I turn behind me, there it home. It was built back up-- like it was brand new. There's the old neighbors! They look lively, Nora's house! I walk closer to her house. The door was open, I walked inside and found Ash there sitting on the couch drinking a beer. I hear baby crying...oh my god. I rush over to shaun's room. There I was with Nora and baby shaun in my arms. Oh my god, it feels all too real. I miss them so much. I feel tears call down my cheeks, why can't I just live in my memories-- instead of living here in the commonwealth.

(Ash)- " How is my family, hmm?" Ash came in towards us. He kisses Shaun on the forehead and does the same to Nora. He messes up my hair as usual. He has done that ever since highschool. I always thought of Ash as a brother, I'm glad that he's still here with me.

(Nora)- " (y/n) would you help me get things set up in the kitchen, Ash, will you continue to feed shaun?" her voice! I can hear her voice again. Oh my....

(woman)- " Were pulling you out three...two... one...

Everything turns white... I slowly open my eyes, seeing the tv screen once more. The lounger pod opens. No.. I wanted to stay in there a little longer..

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