Chapter 42: The Otherside

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( Few days later)

(MacCready)- " Ugh. Nothing says like welcome like the stench of urine-soaked garabge" he says as we entered back into Goodneighbor. Already he's being himself...I hate it.

(Ash)- " I don't think it's that bad"

(MacCready)- " Have you lost your sense of smell?"

(y/n)-" Guys.....Doctor Amari?"

(Ash)- " You sure you want to go back in there? You can wait outside with MacCready"

(MacCready)- " I ain't freezing my ass--er....I ain't gonna wait outside in the cold" he stops himself from swearing, he still has to tell me the story.

(y/n)- " I'm fine, honest."

(Ash)- " Let's get going then"

We walked further inside Goodneighbor, people were walking around-- talking about getting attacked. Geez.....what a safe place to live. We turned a left corner-- there it was....The Memory Den, that place is addictive. My fault I got hooked, they really should put a warning sign outside " May Get Addicted". Ash opens the door for us to enter in, It's been a while seeing inside. When we got to the main room of the Den, There stood Nick talking to Irma. Oh lovely Miss Irma, still being lovely as always. I always wanted to sit in her chair....

We approached them, they took notice of us.

(Irma)- " Hmph. Doctor Amari's downstairs..go on ahead. Oh, dear...its you. Haven't seen your face in a while" she looks past Nick and at me

(y/n)- " Good, doing better" that was sort of true

(Irma)- " Hopefully I'll look forward seeing you here again"

(MacCready)- " Don't count on it" MacCready grabbed my  head lowering it down to start following Nick. What is with him-- I was talking to Irma-- he was being rude!

(y/n)- " Stop!" he finally lets me go, Ash was behind us, smiling to himself.

We were downstiars, Doctor Amari was things. Nick called her name.

(Nick)- " Doctor Amari"

(Amari)- "Yes? I take it, this isnt a social call?" she looks towards me, why is it me they assume?

(y/n)- " This is all yours nick"

(Nick)-" We need a memory dig Amari, and its not gonna be easy. The perp, Kellogg, is already cold on the floor."

(Amari)- "Are all of you mad? Putting aside the fact that you're asking me to defile a corpse, you do realize that the memory simulators require intact, LIVING Brains to function?"

(Ash)- " Technically the corpse was defiled already" now Ash is being a smart ass? I glared at him and he shakes my hair up. I try to fix it but it was already tangld up.

(Nick)- "This dead brain had inside knowledge of The Institute, Amari. The biggest scientific secret of the commonwealth. You need this, and so do we"

(Amari)- "Fine. I'll take a look, but no gurantees. Do you....have it with you?"

(Ash)- " Here's what I can find.." Ash pulls it out of his bag..gross! He just kept that shit in there with the rest of stuff....ugh.Amari grabs it, she examines it very closly

(Amari)- " What's this? This isn't a brain! This is..wait....that's the hippocampus! And this thing attached to it. A neural interface?" she was speaking in terms I do not know, at this point I'm just nodding my head.

(Nick)- " Those circuits look awfully familiar..." he wasn't too excited to hear what she was saying.

(Amari)- "I'm not surprised. From what I've seen, all The Institute technology has a similar architecture."

(Ash)- " Go on, doctor.."

(Amari)- " Mister Valentine is an older generation synth. But, Institute technology being what it is..the brain implant could fit him. But that' incredible risk to take. We're talking about wiring something to his brain

(Nick)- "Don't worry about me, Amari. I'm well past the warranty date, anyway"

(Ash)- " I really appreciate this, Nick. I really do"

(Nick)- " You can thank me when we've found your son. All right. Let's do this"

(Amari)- " Whenever you're ready, mister valentine. Just sit down"

Nick sits down and Amari starts setting nick up, she was speaking to him while putting a piece of Kellogg into Nick, I really hope this doesn't hurt him. I think of Nick as a grandpa, or an uncle in a way but he's like the nicest synth we've met. Ash starts to talk to Amari, they both seemed concerned. MacCready and I give them some distance, it doesn't really concern us, Ash was the one who needs to listen. Ash steps over to us, scratching the back of his neck and a heavy sigh.

(y/n)-" What's wrong? Is nick gonna be okay?"

(Ash)- " Yeah, just uh....Amari needs someone to get in the chair, she needs a the memories can work"

(MacCready)-" Are you gonna do it?"

(Ash)- " I don't know, maybe-- I've got no other choice"

(y/n)-" I can do it"

(MacCready)- " Right. Do you want to get addicted again. No chance"

(Ash)- " He's right. Look, I'll do it. No exceptions. Alright doctor, lets get it started" he turns around and hops into the lounger.

(Nick)- " See you on the other side" 

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