Chapter 24: Goodmorning

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Guys....I've been really stressed and I need more sleep. 

What i'm thinking of doing is to schedule out when i'm gonna post, i think I'm gonna do it every other day. it may change but we'll see. Just so tired and My dogs sick, so i'll try to keep up but thank you for reading and enjoying this x Reader <3


(The next day)

I turn over to my side, I was startting to wake up-- no...go back to sleep. I have all the time in the world to sleep. Damn it eyes...they decide its time to wake up. I stay up from my bed, sitting on the edge before I decide to stand up. I rub my eyes and stretch as far as I could before getting a cramp. I can hear someone snoring-- I can't tell if its MacCready or Ash. I got up from bed and went downstairs heading towards the kitchen. I was really thirsty, I opened the fridge to find a nuka cola. Oh man, It's cold too!

I twisted the cap off and drank the nice cold nuka cola. I hear footsteps coming down-- one of them is awake. I looked towards the stairs to see MacCready all tired and cranky.

(y/n)- " Goodmorning"

(MacCready)- " What's so good about morning?" he grunts sitting on the couch.

(y/n)- " Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I say drinking away.

(MacCready)- " How's your arm?"

(y/n)- " It's doing good, a little sore"

(MacCready)- " You shouldn't hold a gun for a while till it's 100 percent"

(y/n)- " It'll be fine. You hungry? Want me to make you something?"

(MacCready)- " Nah. I'm good"

I hear more footsteps above us, Ash is finally awake. I see him reach teh bottom of the steps.

(Ash)- " Morning everyone" he yawns as he speaks. Made me yawn too.

(y/n)- " Morning"

(Ash)- " (y/n),I just noticed your hairs getting pretty long."

(y/n)- " Is it? I haven't really noticed." as I touch the ends to look at.

(MacCready)- " You better.... Before someone grabs it to kill you" he makes a scissors gesture with his fingers.

(Ash)- " Don't scare her MacCready" I didn't really think about it that way....I am scared-- the thought of a raider or super mutant grabbing my hair and slitting my throat. Oh shit.

(y/n)- " I'll be fine, when do you guys want to get out?"

(Ash)-" About that....I was thinking about seeing that detective. You and MacCready can go check out that vault."

(y/n)- " You sure?"

(Ash)- " I really want to find Nora's killer and the people who took shaun."

(y/n)- " I understand, yeah-- MacCready and I can go" I would have liked for Ash to come with but I really do understand that he wants to do this.

(Ash)- " I know you and MacCready can take care of yourselves"

(MacCready)- " If she could take care of herself I wouldn't be here right now"

(y/n)- " You wouldn't be here if I didn't help you with Winlock and Barnes" I snapped.

(MacCready)- " Fine by me"

(y/n)- " Get ready, we'll be leaving in five" 

You've Got The Wrong Guy. [FALLOUT 4 x Reader]( MACCREADY x READER )Where stories live. Discover now