Chapter 60: Happy.

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(few days later)

Again, back on the prydwen. The Brotherhood was still getting things ready. I was back in the room I slept in before, still cramped and colorless. I lay on the bed, feeling nauseous but hungry. I went to see the doctor, took a few tests and he sould get back to me soon. Ash and MacCready have been aiding The for them. I see why Ash wanted to join them, with their people and mechanics, if it weren't for them--we wouldn't see Shaun till next year.

There was light taping on the door. I got up and opened the door to see Ash, surprise to see him here. He was alone, hopefully MacCready is somewhere safe.

(Ash)- " Hey. (y/n). Can I come in?"

(y/n)- " Sure, what's up?"

(Ash)- " Uh-- so how was the Doctor? Good?"

(y/n)- "'re speaking nervously? What gives?"

(Ash)- " I saw the Doc, today....I asked him to give what information he has about you"

(y/n)- " Okay, and am I good? Am I healthy? Probably just the radiation"

(Ash)- " uhh... it's not the radiation that's making you sick....."

(y/n)- " What're you talking about? What else can it be-- oh.." a lightbulb went off in my head.

(Ash)- " Yeah."

(y/n)- " Wait...this has to be some sort of mistake....Somehow.."

(Ash)- " I don't know what you and MacCready do on your free time but whatever it is, it happened. " he held his hands up like he didn't want to know the details.

(y/n)- " Wha-- wait...are you sure? Is the doc sure?"

(Ash)- " Hundred percent sure.."

No way, a little MacCready is brewing inside of me...we were so careful though.

(y/n)- " Does MacCready know?"

(Ash)- " Not that I know of"

(y/n)- " Good...let's just-- uh...keep it secret for now..till we know what to do"

(Ash)- " Uhh...what do you want to do?"

(y/n)- " I don't know!" I dumped myself on the couch very whiny like

(Ash)- " I gotta go see Maxson, I'll let you think about this...but congratulations though" he gives me a thumbs up and wide grin. This is no joking matter Ash!

(few days later)

This is it, Battle day. This day is going to go in the history books, if there is going to be history books. I want to be in The Institute battle but I know my emotions are gonna get the best of me. I took off my pipboy to relax my wrist-- it gets heavy after a while. I set it the desk, there was knocking on the other side of the door. I got up and opened it, expecting it would be MacCready-- it was Ash.

(Ash)- " Hey"

(y/n)- " Come in" I moved to the side for him to enter.

(Ash)- " Thanks. I came here to see if I can change in here"

(y/n)- " Yeah, I'll just get out of your way" I exit the room closing the door.

(y/n)- " Hey Ash....I've been wanting to ask you something"

(Ash)- " yeah?"

(y/n)- " I was thinking....If i can go with you and Mac--"

(Ash)- " No, and we're not discussing this. You're not going...specically in your condition." I knew he was going to say that. This isn't going to stop me. I want to do something, Ash can't do this to Shaun. Maybe if I can just talk to shaun, I can.....wait..I look into the room with the door cracked just a bit open. Ash was still gearing up-- His pip boy was right where I left mine. Maybe I can just take his..fuck it, I'm doing it.

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