Chapter 1: The End of the World (part 1)

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Soooo, you decided to read a story about you and a made up character.... i like you already :)

Anyways, I typed this story like a month ago-- I been meaning to post some of it too see if anyone is still interested in Fallout fanfic, specially about Maccready. I post a few chapters and if you readers are interested or something-- let me know and I'll start typing this story again.

**spoilers if anyone hasn't played Fallout 4, also-- I don't own any characters from the Game, Ash-- he's my sole survivor in my game of fallout 4, this is just a fan fiction!!

(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/L) = Hair Length

(H/C) = Hair Color

(E/C) = Eye Color


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep-Beep--

Alright, alright- I'm up. Stupid yellow alarm clock, I knew I shouldn't have bought you. I lay back on my large bed- rubbing my eyes. I stare at the cieling, what day is it? I don't even know anymore. I looked over to the right left side of the bed, I forgot I don't have to sleep on sides anymore now that he is gone. Son of a bitch.  I removed my yellow blanket off of me, I sat at the edge of my bed- rubbing my eyes as I yawn. I have no plans today...that I know of, I think I might stop by the neighbors, Ash and Nora. Nora has been my best friend since childhood, we made a promise to stick by each other no matter what. Here we are, living in the same neighborhood, Sanctuary. The only difference is- that she is married to a wonderful man, Ash. He is a good man for her, I like him. They married pretty young- but they make it work. They recenelty had a son, Shaun. He is such an adorable baby. I wish I had something like Nora's life, I had a man but he had to go on and cheat on me with Mary down the block. Bastards. When I found out about him cheating, I cried on Nora's shoulder, Ash confronted him. Nora and I stopped them before anything could happen. I managed to throw in a punch or two, telling him to never talk or to see me. His stuff in my house is out in the garage ready to get thrown away. I finally got up in bed and walked out of my room, I enter the bathroom to look at myself in mirror, I'm still the same me- (H/L)(H/C) hair- (E/C) eyes. I feel so blah. I turned on the shower- lets get this done.

(time skip)

Done blow-drying my hair. It is somewhat decent, I just want to get out the house and see what Nora is up to. I slipped on my my small little heels, my feet hurt in these but soon as I go to Nora's I'm taking them off. My blue laundered dress was fitting me perfect today, I look and feel pretty- its been a while since I felt like this. I exited out the front entrance of my home, The sun was shining, the sky is bright baby blue, I wave hello to my neighbors. I see a yellow suited man at the neighbors house, probably selling some new cleaning product. I walk next door to Nora's house- they have such a beautiful home. I stepped on the single step- I rang their doorbell. I hope I'm not interrupting them. The door opens- Ash stood at the doorway.

(y/n)- " Good morning Ash"

(Ash)- " Morning (Y/n), please come on in"

(y/n)- "Thanks, hairs getting really long ash"

(Ash)- " Thought the longer hair was a new look for me" he chucklesI entered in giving Ash a quick hug. I see nora at the counter reading the news paper. She looks up with a welcoming smile and a hug to go with it.

(Dodsworth)- " Ah, good morning Miss (y/n)"

(Y/n)- " Good morning Codsworth"

(Codsworth)- " Would you like some coffee?"

(y/n)-  "No thank you"

(Codsworth)- " All right"

(Nora)- "Hey- how're you?"

(y/n)- " I'm good, how about you- how's baby shaun?"

(Nora)- " I'm great, Shaun- he's wonderful, he's everything for Ash and I'

(Y/n)- " Oh, can I go see little shaun?"

(Nora)- " Of course"

The doorbell rings, leaving us to who's gonna answer.

(Ash)- " I got it, you two have your girl time" Ash heads over to the front door.

(Nora)- " Thanks Hon"

Nora leads to Shaun's nursery room, there he was in his crib- awake and making cute baby sounds. I smile widely- shaun was too cute. Nora picks him up- giving him a hug and a kiss.

(Nora)- " Look who's here shaun, your God Mother. Would you like to hold him?" I nodded, I held my arms out. Nora gently places shaun in my arms, he was so light- the baby smell, you can never hate the baby smell.

(y/n)- " Oh my gosh, it feels like I haven't held him in forever. Oh my- he's so adorable" I hugged him softly, not to crush him.Nora giggles at me cooing at shaun.

(Nora)- " When are you gonna have children, I know you would make a great mother"

(y/n)- " Oh I don't know, I still think I'm too young for children."

(Nora)- " Oh- stop, look at Ash and I- we're both young and now look at us"

(y/n)- " I don't know, some day- not now"  I place shaun back in his crib. Nora gestured to leave the room to talk more in the living room.

(Ash)- " Uh-- thanks again" Ash closes the door.

(Nora)- " Who was that?" 

(Ash)- " Vault-Tec, something about being accepted into a vault if anything were to happen"

(Nora)- " Oh, hey its a piece of mind- that's worth a little paperwork right?"

(Ash)- " For you and shaun, no price is too high"

Nora and I took a sit on the couch, while Ash join us. Codsworth wasn't here with us, probably went to check out shaun's needs.

(Ash)-  "What were you two ladies talking about?" as he sits on the edge of the stool by the counter.

(Nora)- " (y/n)'s future, kids maybe"

(y/n)- " I still don't know about that one"

(Ash)- " Its amazing, don't worry- you'll have a lot of time before you have kids"

(y/n)- " Thank you"

(Codsworth)- " Mr. Ash- Shaun has been changed but he absolutely refuses to calm down. I think he requires that maternal instinct that you are so good at"

(Nora)- " Go on honey, we'll be there in a second" Ash gets up and goes to check on baby shuan.

(Nora)- " So how are you really- with the whole affair?"

(y/n)- " I'm doing okay, still upset- but I'm dealing"

(Nora)- " Thats good, don't worry-- you'll find someone much better" I nodded and grin a tiny bit.

You've Got The Wrong Guy. [FALLOUT 4 x Reader]( MACCREADY x READER )Where stories live. Discover now