Chapter 34: Too Much Wine

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(time skip)

Finally home, Piper left a note on the table... "Took care of dogmeat-- hopefully you're back already".  I am back-- and with my two idiots. Ash went to bed already, I don't blame him. I went into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of wine.

(MacCready)- " You gonna share that?" he says as he lays on the couch. I walked over to the other available couch, not infested with MacCreadys. I gently tossed the bottle to him for him to take sips first. He opens it and chugs it down.

(y/n)- " Save some for me"

(MacCready)-" Alright, alright" he tops the bottle of bottle and tosses it back to me. I opened up the top and chugged it down. It was something I really needed, relaxes my muscles.

(MacCready)- "How's your shoulder?"

(y/n)- " Better, thanks" I say tossing the wine back to him.

(MacCready)- " So are you impressed yet? told you I was a damn good shot"

(y/n)- " Hmm, I haven't really noticed" I waved my hand towards him to toss back the wine.

(MacCready)-" Oh come on, dont lie to me. Ash even knows talent when hes it-- that's why he chose me. "

(y/n)- " You were chosen cause you were there at the time MacCready" I scoffed chuckled

(MacCready)- " I'm completley self-taught, you know. Picked up a sniper rifle when I was ten and I never looked back"

(y/n)- " Bullshit" I grinned.

(MacCready)- " No bullsh--. Crap. Always thought it was smarter to hit my targets at long range. I mean, why take chances, right? Besides, I had to come up with every trick in the book to survive the Capital Wasteland."

(y/n)- " Capitol Wasteland?"

(MacCready)- " It's where I came from. Lived underground in a place called Little LampLight with a bunch of other kids. Left there when I was around sixteen. We kind of had a policy adults. When you were sixteen, you packed up and left. Sounds crazy, right? Having adults around was something we couldn't trust. We did trust this one person though-- can't remember their name though"

(y/n)- " How can you survive without having adults, I mean-- that's ridiculous"

(MacCready)- "Maybe, but it kept the colony alive for a couple hundred years. Anyways, when I hit sixteen, I ended up wandering the Capital Wasteland for a while-- kinda lonely. I took the odd job here and there, but things were pretty hot with the Brotherhood of Steel running the show. So I hitched a ride with a caravan and made my way north until I ended up here. Made a pretty decent name for myself, then ya know-- the whole Gunners thing happened. Biggest mistake of my life. I went with them for a while, because the caps were good. But, I dunno, I guess it started to catch up with I quit. Which pretty much brings us to now. So there you have it, my whole life in a nutshell"

(y/n)- " Sounds like the road can be a lonely place....until you meet someone to share it with." what was I saying?...I think the wine was getting to me.....

(MacCready)- " I...well, I never thought of it that way....look I don't know why I'm telling you all of this"

(y/n)- " Maybe you trust me?" I grinned and sipped down the wine some more.

(MacCready)- "I sort of do--I'm comfortable with the two of you. I know I tend to be a pain in the ass....I mean, I know I tend to be arrogant and I come off like I want to be alone. Nothing could be further from the truth. Being alone scares the heck out of me. Now that the three of us have been traveling together for a while, I'm beginning to realize how much I missed having someone to depend on. I just wanted you to know that I'm going to do everything I can to see it stays this way."

(y/n)- " you're not going soft on us are you Mister?" I say getting up handing him the bottle myself towards him.

(MacCready)- "No, never. That's all I had to say. Hope you got something out of all that. I know I did." he stood up in front of me-- Facing each other awfully close.

(y/n)- " I don't know....but.....I think, I drank too much.....I think I'm gonna pass out?"

(MacCready)- " What? Now?"

My eyes closed and my body went limp. I felt body being caught but not comfortable....

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