Chapter 18: You did it!

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(two days later)

I was outside of the Dugout In. Sitting by myself. Not really-- MacCready was sitting away form me. Finally he decided to give us some distance. It's been two days and Ash again, said he wouldn't be long. I'm worried sick about him, I just hope he's okay. Speaking of okay--I'm not okay of staying in the Dugout In. I love Diamond City-- it's like a little town and you know your neighbors and everyone, Wish I could stay here but I'm destined to stay out on the road. Again-- speaking of road, it reminded me of something. I got up form the bench and went towards MacCready who was sitting by a table eating some breakfast. I sat down across from him, he places his fork down to see what I have to say. I haven't said a word yet and he's grinning.

(MacCready)- " Can I help you?"

(y/n)- " I need your help"

(MacCready)- " I'm listening"

(y/n)- " The plan originally was for Ash to teach me to shoot a gun....but he hasn't had time to. So I came to you, asking if you can teach me?" I can't believe I asked him, I'm going to regret this. MacCready stoped grinning and thought to himself.

(MacCready)- " Why do you want to learn ?"

(y/n)- " So I can stop being a burden to Ash..." I say leaning back on the chair.

(MacCready)- " What's in it for me?" I knew he was gonna say something like this...luckly I came prepared. I grabbed a cigartte pack out of my bag, I placed it on the table. MacCready eyes it but scoffs uninterested. 

(MacCready)- " You're gonna have to do better than that" . I place another pack on top of the other one. He sits up just a bit, I'm peaking his interest, I better pull out something more. I place another pack on the table.. MacCready was leaning towards the table. This last one should do the trick..I place a full bottle of bourbon on the table.

(MacCready)- " Alright, I'll teach you"

(time skip)

We were just outside of Diamond City, I asked security if it's okay for us to be practicing out here. They gave us a go. We found a spot for us to not disturb anyone. MacCready had his rifle.

(y/n)- " I'm not gonna use that right?"

(MacCready)- " Yeah you are"

(y/n)- " I can't even fire a pistol, what makes you think i can use that?"

(MacCready)- " Cause I'm gonna teach you. Now, hold it" as he hands me his rifle. I wield it like how I've seen actors use it in movies. MacCready seemed surprised that I knew how to hold it

(y/n)- " Now what?"

(MacCready)- " Now you just aim and pull the trigger"

(y/n)- " That's it, that's all were you gonna teach me?"

(MacCready)- " You didn't even fire yet. Give it a try"

(y/n)- " But--"

(MacCready)- " Just. Give. It. A. Try"

I grunt at him telling me what to do. I look ahead of me. There was a lunchbox on a bench table, I can aim for that. I just aimed and pulled the trigger. My shoulder felt like it vibrated-- the recoil was no joke, but no surprise! I miss and it penetrates the brick wall. I look at MacCready with an anger look on my face.

(MacCready)- " Tell me what you did wrong?"

(y/n)- " Listen to you"

(MacCready)- " Cut the smart crap act."

(y/n)- " I was thinking about aiming at the lunchbox and pulling the trigger"

(MacCready)- " There's your problem, don't think about it. Its you and whatever you're firing at...block everything out and focus on just that one thing"

I looked towards the lunch box again, okay...block out all the noise. Ok there's no noise, It's just me and the lunch box. I exhale and inhale. I aim-- I didn't think where I was gonna aim. He said not to think about it. I pulled the trigger and the lunchbox goes falling on the ground! Holy shit.. I did it!

(y/n)- " Did you see that! It worked!" I looked up at MacCready. He grins spreading his arms short apart to show he knows what he's doing. For an Ex-Gunner, he's good. 

You've Got The Wrong Guy. [FALLOUT 4 x Reader]( MACCREADY x READER )Where stories live. Discover now