Chapter 25: Vault 81 (part 1)

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(time skip)

I got my things packed and ready to go. My hair, it was worrying me a bit-- What MacCready said, It could happen. I took my hair tying it in a bun and putting MacCready's green hat on. It was keeping it from being grabbed on. I went downstiars to see MacCready leaning on a wall waiting for me. He looked at me but rolled his eyes.

(y/n)- " What?"

(MacCready)- " I'm not getting that hat back am I?"

(y/n)- " Do you want it back?"

(MacCready)- " put it to good use than me. Let's get this show on the road.

We just left Diamond City entrance, I already feel uneasy leaving outside the stadium. We went west-- like going back to the interchange. I know I saw a vault in the distance. It wouldnt be that far to get too-- it was near Diamond City, just outside the city. When we left, Ash was just about to go to the detective place, I really hope that detective can help us. Were just so close. Whoever took shaun and killed nora, I want to see them burn. There was a highway blocking our way to get across but MacCready pointed out ahead there was a bridge to get over. It was train tracks, even though there will be no more trains running through here, walking across the tracks give me little shivers.

(MacCready)- " what're you expecting to find in this vault you're looking for?"

(y/n)- " survivors"

(MacCready)- " And if you find them...then what?"

(y/n)- " I don't know send them to a safe settlement, I'm sure Ash could help"

(MacCready)- " Hmm" he grunts

(y/n)- " What's with you today-- you seem more bitter than usual"

(MacCready)- " Nothing, I'm fine"

I ignore him, if he doesn't want to tell me thats fine. We continue on to head towards the vault. As we drew closer there were bright lights leading to a cave. I was a little hesitate to go on in.

(MacCready)- " Not scared of the dark, are you?"

(y/n)- " No, are you?"

(MacCready)- " You're talking to an ex-Gunner, The dark is afraid of me"

(y/n)- " shut up" I enter the cave holding myself for comfort. It got bright enough for me to see. There's the big vault door. I went up close to see what number it was

(y/n)- " 81"

(MacCready)- " Lights are on, suppose someone's home"

(y/n)- " Let's find out"

(MacCready)- " You need a pip boy, smart one" as he smacks the back of my head gently.

(y/n)- " Well we don't have one, so what should we do?"

(MacCready)- " I don't know-- you brought us out here for nothing? We could have stayed at home and rest for a while but you wanted to come out here, do you want me to say open sesame?"

(y/n)- " think it'll work?"

(MacCready)- " Oh my god...."

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