Chapter 8: **Scream***

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(time skip)

We reached sort of outside the city, Ash went up ahead-- his pipboy detected enemies close by. Super mutants, big green, nasty, killer-- super mutants. He told me they use to be people, how can I shoot something that technically is still a person? After Ash took care of super mutants he came back with bullet wounds. I rushed towards his side.

(y/n)- " Ash what the fuck happened, you told me you can handle it!?" I put his arm over my shoulder for suport.

(Ash)- " Super mutants are one thing.....mutants and Raiders, thats a lot for me to kill" he faintly chuckles

(y/n)- " Did you take a stimpak at least?"

(Ash)- " Yeah, I'll be fine in a minute" as he realizes his arm from my shoulder. I really hope he's okay.

(time skip)

(y/n)- " This is gonna slow us down"

(Ash)- " No doubt..."

Diamond city is just across this bridge but it wasn't put down, one side look like it was coming down to connect but never finished connecting. Theres no way to cross this bridge, we can even jump to climb on it-- its too high.

(y/n)- " What do we do now?"

(Ash)- " Theres a bridge over there, we'll go around" he starts to go, I follow after him. If this keeps going, we might spend another day out here. I really dont want to spend another day out here. Sleeping outside in just a sleeping bag on the ground hurts my back. I'm only 23 for christ sake-- wait, with Ash and I sleeping for like 200 year, that makes us like....oh god.

(Ash)- " Stop...." Ash held out his arm out, to stop me from walking.

(y/n)- " What is it?"

(Ash)- " More raiders.....we cant cross that bridge we gotta find another way to cross" he turns around walking back the way we came. The bridge was still as it was, we arent able to cross-- god damn it, we were so close.

(y/n)- " Where do we go now-- both ways are blocked"  Ash went towards the bridge, he leans at the edge looking down.

(Ash)-  "Can you swim?" I backed away from the edge near the water. What! He wants to swim across.

(y/n)- " No no no, I cant swim-- besides you want to swim through radiated water to get across?" Ash shruggs.

(Ash)- " Yeah" he grabs my arm pushing me over the edge. I scream as I fall into the water. As I went under the water-- my eyes opened to see very little in the water, it was difficult to see. Another splash went under and it was Ash who jumped down in after. He swam next to me and grabbed me to reach the surface. I gasped as I broke through the water, I was trying to calm my body down as it was shaking from being pushed into water.

(Ash)- " It wasnt so bad was it?" he grins following with a short laugh.

(y/n)- " Fuck you ash!" I laugh too. His pipboy was ticking.

(y/n)- " Is it suppose to be ticking?"

(Ash)- " The water is radiated by Five, we gotta get out of here"

(y/n)- " Well you're my life preserver me"

Ash smirks as we leads out of the water. He pushed me up to climb out of the water, my clothes felt heavy on me. I crawl further out and got up to help Ash out of the water next. His pipboy stopped ticking, were safe and clear.

(y/n)- " If you ever push me into water like that again.....I'll kill you"

(Ash)- " You at least faced your fear of swimming right?" he grins.

(y/n)- " Lets go, we're wasting time."

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