Chapter 43: MacCready's Son

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(time skip)

It's been an hour or so since Ash and Nick were in each others mind...Ash is experiencing his first Memory Den experience. Hopefully he's okay, hell...both of them. I was sitting down on the bench, I was checking my pipboy every 5 seconds. My legs were shaking too-- they did it on their own.

(MacCready)- " Relax. They're gonna be fine" MacCready leans his head up, he was sleeping right beside me-- he just had his head tilted down.

(y/n)-" Yeah, I hope so.."

(MacCready)- "I know what'll pass the time...remember the stories I had to tell you?"

(y/n)- " You're finally gonna tell me?"

(MacCready)- " Why not?. Remember when I said I made a promise to someone?"

(y/n)- " Yeah"

(MacCready)- " When I left the Capital Wasteland, I didn't just leave Little LampLight behind....I left my family behind. Had a beautiful wife named Lucy....and a son we named Duncan. He's the one that I made my promise to....a promise to clean up my act and to be a better person. I guess that sounds pretty stupid coming from a guy who shoots people for a living." He had a wife, and a kid? MacCready? MACCREADY?? This is so weird in so many levels. If he has a wife....why did he kiss me?

(y/n)- " You must have had a reason to leave right?"

(MacCready)- " My son....he's sick. I don't know what's wrong with him. One day, he's playing out in the fields behind our farm...the next he took a fever and these blue boils popped up all over his body. Last I saw he was almost to weak to walk. I didn't dare ask him to come with me. Honestly, I don't know much longer he's going to last." Oh no....I feel so bad for him,its weird feeling sympathy for him but knowing more about MacCready, its sad.

(y/n)- " Maybe a doctor can help, the doctor in vault 81-- doctor Amari?" I suggested

(MacCready)- " Every Doctor Ive talked to was worthless. They never even heard of the disease!" he stood up so quickly, he was raising his voice, he was getting upset.

(y/n)- " Calm down.." he exhales and tries to relax a bit, trying to keep his cool. I stood up to make sure he doesn't go breaking things.

(MacCready)- " I don't need them....I need someone like you...and Ash." I really want to help him, again...Help him have hope for his son.

(y/n)- " Maybe I can help...somehow?"

(MacCready)- " You've already done so much for me...but if you're willing to risk it, I might have a way we could save him"

(y/n)- " How risky are we talking?"

(MacCready)- "I'm not going to lie to's no walk in the park. If it was easy, I would have already done it myself. Look. I really need your help on this one...not just me, but my son-- Duncan needs you too."

(y/n)- " Yeah...I'm in, count me in"

(MacCready)- " I was hoping you'd say that. A few months before we met, I bumped into a guy named Sinclair who claimed his buddy caught some kind of disease. I thought he was wasting my time untill he brought up the blue boils. They dug up information about a cure at a place called Med-Tek research. They even managed to grab the building's lock down security codes. Unfortunately, Sinclair's buddy died before they were able to break in. I mean there's no way that's a coincidence, right? Med-tek has to be the place to find a cure for Duncan?"

(y/n)- " Don't give up hope, MacCready. If there's a cure in that place, we'll find it"

(MacCready)- "Thank you" he quickly grabs me in for a hug...he wraps his arms around chest starts to hurt again, I knew I shouldn't have ate those sugar bombs to calm my nerves. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to push him away-- not after he told me about his son.....I hugged him back, for comfort.

(MacCready)- " I'll put Med-Tek on your map. When you're ready, just take us out there..I have all of the codes we need to get through their security."

(y/n)- " We got this, We'll find it"

(MacCready)- "What you're one's ever cared that much about me before. Even if it takes me the rest of my life..I'll repay this debt to you, I swear it"

(y/n)- " Being my bodyguard is good enough,'re our friend MacCready."

(MacCready)- " Thank you" he loosened up his arms, he was in front of my face again...oh no....he's giving me that look...that same look he did when we were at Fort Hagen. Look away (y/n), look away!

(Nick)- " I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Nick caught our attention, he was okay! But Wheres Ash?"

(MacCready)- " No, Nothing." MacCready walks away leaving me to talk to Nick

(y/n)- " Where's Ash?"

(Nick)- " He's still in the lounger he'll be okay. Gotta wait a while"

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