Chapter 55: Shaun.

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(1 month later)

Already a month has gone by....When you're doing nothing it really drags out. Ash, MacCready, Danse and the rest of the Brotherhood are helping build this teleporter to get into The Institute. Even the Railroad helped us, but Ash didn't trust them.  So far.....I really don't know what im looking at? It's a really tall......thing? I don't know, but it looks cool. I don't know why I'm here, they don't need me, they have Ingram-- she can do the computer thing just fine. I look over to Ash, he was working on the teleporter, lifting something in place...MacCready, properly securing it its place. Just look at him....covered in dirt and grease...I hate him...sort of...yeah, I hate him for telling me those things but my true feelings for him are still there. I just have to move past this, I don't know how.Things have been professional, a bodyguard protecting the client....It's just, weird.. I felt fabric get placed onto my shoulders. It was a blanket, I look next to me to see who gave this to me, Danse stood there in his power armor.

(Danse)- " You looked like you could use it"

(y/n)- " Thanks Danse"

(Danse)- " Don't mention it, I'm gonna get back to helping them. Stay warm" He goes off to help the others. That was nice of him, even though his knee deep in the brotherhoods hands-- he's actually a nice person. The brotherhood was being...strangely kind, they gave us their uniform, Ash and Maccready decline-- but I took it, to get rid of the tainted vault suit.

(Ash)- " (y/n)! Come here!" I heard my name, he's calling for me. I tugg on the blanket to tightly wrappy it around me, it was so warm. I walk over to the the massive's a lot more massive up close.

(y/n)- " Yeah?"

(Ash)- " It's finished, this is it.."

(y/n)- " A month's worth....."

(Ash)- " I know, it's finally done...We can finaly get shaun back"

(MacCready)- " Ready to start this thing, whenever your ready boss" Wait, he's gonna go now? Is this thing ready to go?

(y/n)- " Shouldn't you--uhh....test run this thing?"

(MacCready)- " Ingram thinks this thing can't do two runs, if we risk it-- we'll be looking at another month building another one" His voice was dry, rough. He wipes his hands in a dirty black rag.

(Ash)- " We cant risk it, I'm not gonna waste anymore time. Elder maxson.." I turn my head to see Elder Maxson, the leader of the brotherhood-- pretty intimidating. He looks like he is gonna start yelling at one of us.

(Maxson)-" Remarkable work, knight. The signal intercepter appears to be complete. Are you ready to put it to the test?" That's what there're calling it...sounds so lame. 

(Ash)- " Yes, sir"

(Mason)- "Excellent. Now. I want you to listen very carefully. Once you've entered The Institute, we expect to lose contact so it's imperative you remember everything I'm about to tell you..." I walk closer to teleporter-- it was shaking the ground a bit, electricity sparks here and there...jesus, Ash is gonna step on this thing? Is it even safe? Damn it's so loud...

(Ash)- Ingram, get this thing started"

(y/n)- "Wait!" I ran to Ash who was stepping on the plateform.

(Ash)- " What'do need?"

(y/n)- " I wanna....go with you..."

(Ash)- " No, absolutely no. This is The Institute were talking about here, once I get in there,--I'm a target. I don't want you getting hurt,." 

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