Chapter 11: Stay Put

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(time skip)

I feel the cool wind on my skin, The sun shinning down-- giving me the tan I always wanted. I look across the street to see my neighbors being friendly as always. Heading next door to Nora's house, Ash opens the door. Greeting him and telling him his hair in a bun was a little funny. There I see shaun on the couch with nora. Oh, baby shaun, Something about him is so adorable. A loud siren goes off-- startling everyone. Nora grabs shaun in her arms. We all went outside to see what the sirens are warning us about. We stood outside the house just like everyone else, what is happening!?

(Nora)- " (y/n)! Ash!" as Nora called our names. I look to Ash then nora, My heart was racing. The sky turns bright white then to a yellow orange color. Something was heading this way! Nora and Ash look towards me as a explosion covers them.

(y/n)- "Noooo!" I screamed. I stay up in bed, It was just a dream...A damn fucking dream. It was just like that day, that day when the world ended for everone. I felt sticky and wet, I as drentched in sweat. So gross. I could use a change of clothes but all I have is this stupid vault suit and Ash's, now dirty shirt.

(unknown)- " Keep it down in there! Some people are trying to sleep!" I hear a neighbor next door to our room. I sigh, In the room-- Ash wasn't here. Where did he go? I got out of bed, our things are gone! My bag and Ash's. How can it be-- oh....I should have known. That damn Merc, He must have scammed us! I rush out the room and headed downstiars to the second floor balcony. There's Ash and MacCready!

(y/n)- " bags gone! He must have took it when--" Ash grabs my bag from around the couch.

(Ash)- " We were waiting for you to wake up soon, I took your bag so we can head out quicker"

(MacCready)- " One thing that I don't do is steal....unless theres's something in it for me" he smirks. Theres no way he can protect me, His bad attitude is gonna get us killed. I scoff at MacCready, I swear-- Ash made a mistake in hiring him.

(Ash)- " You alright? You look pale...and sweaty?"

(y/n)- " Yeah..I'm fine" I lied, I had a dream where he and Nora got killed in the explosion.I can't tell him that, I wouldn't want him to worry about me even more.

(Ash)- " Lets just go, come you two"

We went downstairs to the lobby. My foot was already out the door, Ash was behind and MacCready was sort of in the middle. Ash was stopped by a man with white hair and a green mechanic like suit.

(y/n)- " What is he doing?" I asked MacCready. He responded with a shrug. Finally Ash caught up with us, but looked like he had some information. Good news I hope.

(MacCready)- " Whats up?"

(Ash)- *Sigh* " That guy wants me to go get him a beer sounds dumb but he's willing to pay 300 caps"

(MacCready)- " Bring this man a booze bot and get paid tons...I don't see the problem?"

(y/n)- " We have somewhere to be"

(MacCready)- " Which is where?"

(y/n)- " Diamond City"

(MacCready)- " What business do you have there?"

(Ash)- " I'm looking for my son, he's been taken from me"

(MacCready)- " Oh man, I'm sorry" yeah right, like he's sorry.

(Ash)- " Look, guys, I'll...I'll go on this alone and when I get back we'll go tomorrow if I get back in time"

(y/n)- " Whoa, wait-- you're going out there by yourself. What about me-- us."

(Ash)- " I'd rather have you stay here with him, that way I'll know your safe..besides, gives you two to get to know each other. I'll be back later..I promise. MacCready, keep an eye on her" Ash messes up my hair into frizziness.

(y/n)- " don't take to long" I say fixing my hair back. There he goes, by himself...If Nora was still alive he wouldn't leave Nora's side at all. He would stay with her at all times, no matter who needs help. Its different now...shes gone and all he has left is Shaun, and me but I don't really count as family.

(MacCready)- " If you need me....I'll be at The Third Rail" MacCready says as he walks past me.

(y/n)- " You're my bodyguard..."

(MacCready)- " So"

(y/n)- " So guard me"

(MacCready)- " I'll guard you when I get a drink in my system". I let him be, I am not going to stop him.

You've Got The Wrong Guy. [FALLOUT 4 x Reader]( MACCREADY x READER )Where stories live. Discover now