Chapter 37: He's Too Close

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MacCreadys new clothing-- it's a mod of course... I mean look at him... he's like 👌🏼


(time skip)

We headed back inside our house, I packed my bag and gun and was ready to go. MacCready changed his clothes-- it was dark grey or green clothing. I just got use to his clothes now-- seeing him in this getup was new.

(MacCready)- " Aren't you gonna get ready?"

(y/n)- " I am"

(MacCready)- " You do realize it's winter season-- and you're wearing that?"

(y/n)- " I got nothing else to wear, besides we're leaving its not like I have time to go shopping right now"

(MacCready)- " Aww jeez-- here, wear this" as he tosses a blue and yellow clothing...I know what this is...hell no.

(y/n)- " Are you vault suit"

(MacCready)- " Yeah-- it'll protect you from radiation and it'll keep you warm."

(y/n)- "Goddamn it.....fine, I'm wearing my boots though..."

I quickly changed into the vault suit, wearing the combat boots I was already wearing. He's right-- I already felt warm in this thing,...that will be the last time he's right....I grabbed the green hat and headed downstiars..

(y/n)- " You happy now?" I say with sarcasm, he turns around and had a confused look to his face. He approaches me-- really close, what is he doing?

(y/n)- " MacCready-- you're too close" I stepped back one step. He grabs a small chunk of my hair and looks at it.

(y/n)- " What is it?"

(MacCready)- " Your hair is changing color" he examines it and pulls it down for me to see. He's right! My hair is changing color, it's going from (H/c) to like silver, white!

(y/n)- " What the fuck, whats wrong with my hair?"

(MacCready)- " Two theories.....probably cause of the cryopod you were in for so many years...or you're just getting old" he scoffs. Walking away from me-- packing up some more.

(y/n)- " I'm not old.....yeah, I missed about 200 birthdays.....but I'm still 23"

(MacCready)- " Damn, you're older than're such an old Lady" he chuckles

(y/n)- " I hate you" I said under my breathe...The door opens and comes in Ash with a new entire too. Is everyone changing? I was forced to wear this?

(Ash)- " Wearing the good ol' vault suit, huh?"

(y/n)- " It's suppose to keep my protected and warm."

(Ash)- " well, i got you something and whoa.....what's up with your hair?"

(y/n)- " I don't know-- MacCready just pointed it out, you don't seem to have white hairs" I say checking his head.

(Ash)- " Maybe you're getting old" he jokes. I glared at him and he apologized.

(Ash)- " Here, I got you this-- should help." he hands me a scarf. It was really nice looking.

(y/n)- "Thanks Ash" I wrapped the scarf around my neck, stlyish and warm.

(Ash)- "Ready to head out?"

(MacCready)- " Ready boss"

(Ash)- " Let's go find Kellogg"

You've Got The Wrong Guy. [FALLOUT 4 x Reader]( MACCREADY x READER )Where stories live. Discover now