Chapter 48: Daisy

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(Few days later)

Took a few days to get to Goodneighbor, we didn't stop for anything....not even pee breaks.... MacCready stayed so quite and so focused, he didn't want to lose sight of the cure. He held it in his hand the entire time. Day and night, I feel good doing something like this, helping out another child. If only we could do something to find shaun but we got nothing....all MacCready and I can do is wait for Ash to get back home, I don't even know how he's doing or if he's alive...ugh (y/n), don't think about that.

(MacCready)- " Come on, let's get inside" MacCready opened the doors of Goodneighbor. Right there was Daisy's Dicounts, just the ghoul we wanted to see. MacCready walks up to her counter, Daisy was delighted to see him

(Daisy)- "MacCready! I haven't seen you in a while. You haven't been avoiding me, have you?

(MacCready)- " Now how could I stay away from someone as cute as you, Daisy?" he flirts, I still don't get why he's like.....teasing me and playfully flirting with Daisy if he has a wife and son? I don't get him sometimes...I

(Daisy)- " You're a lousy liar, but I'll just play stupid and pretend I don't know that. So what do you need?"

(MacCready)- " I got it, Daisy. I found the cure to Duncan's diesase"

(Daisy)- " Oh my god! That's wonderful news. How did you do it? Last time you tried, the ferals almost chewed you to bits"

(MacCready)- " I didn't do it alone. My friend here got me through Med-Tek. Now all I need to do is get the cure into Duncan's hands. Can you help me?"

(Daisy)- " Of course, MacCready. You've saved my behind more than once, it's the least I can do. It's okay, you can trust me. I swear I'll get the cure to Duncan"

(y/n)- " Hey, if MacCready trusts can I"

(Daisy)- " Then it's settled. I'll get the sample on the first caravan leaving the Commmonwealth. The driver owes me a few favors and he's reliable. It will arrive at your homestead in no time, MacCready"

(MacCready)- "Thanks, You're a Doll."

(Daisy)- " Hey, do me a favor. Take care of MacCready for me. He's one of the good ones." him being the good ones? I mean....I guess

(y/n)- " I'll do that daisy. See you around"

We leave her store and we stop at the exit of Goodneighbor.

(y/n)- " Let's go home Mac"

(MacCready)- " Damn right" he chuckles opening the door for me.

You've Got The Wrong Guy. [FALLOUT 4 x Reader]( MACCREADY x READER )Where stories live. Discover now