Chapter 15: Diamond City

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(time skip)

As we continue to walk, it was about four p.m. according to Ash's pip boy. After the raiders-- nothing stopped us so we were on schedule now. This was some adventure, I would still travel with ash but having MacCready here....threes a crowd. I looked up ahead, There was a sign.

(y/n)- " Guys, look!" They stopped moving and immediately pointed their guns, really....

(y/n)- " Guys... the sign-- put those away" I say as I walk passed them pushing both of their guns down low. I walk to the sign pointing to it.

(Ash)- " We must be close then"

(MacCready)-" lets continue on boss"

As we continue to go, the signs were leading us closer to diamond city. This is it, we made it! We head down two staircases, A man was there-- he had his face covered. He looked suspicious as hell..

(Man)- " Diamond city is up again, just follow the signs"

We did, we follow more signs, by the looks of it we must be in the back of the city. We made a left turn finding more signs. 'Diamond city' ,  'You're almost home.' I can just go in and find a place to sit-- my feet we're killing me. We were along the side of the city, just a straight path ahead. They even had torrents, even though I know they weren't going to aim at us-- I still felt nervous...what if they malfunction?

(MacCready)- " Just around the corner"

We past it, there it was....the entrance. The baseball statium! I should have known, makes sense it would become a city of such safeness. A woman at the entrance. she was flaying her arms in the air-- she was shouting at something,.. I couldn't see what. We drew closer and she was speaking to someone on the intercom.

(woman)- "What do you mean you can't open the gate? Stop playing around, Danny. I'm standing out in the open here, for crying out loud.

(intercom)- "I got orders not to let you in Ms. piper I'm sorry. I'm just doing my job"

I feel awkward just listening in on their conversation. Ash and MacCready were just waiting for their turn. She was getting really upset-- like she was gonna bust the gate herself...goodluck on that one.

(Piper)- " open this gate right now, Danny Sullivan! I live here. You cant just lock me out!" she sighs and tries to calm down. She turns around, she eyeballs the three of us.

(Piper)- " Psst, you three. You want into Diamond City, right?" she softly whispers.

(Ash)- " yeah, we just go here"

(Piper)- " Sshh. Play along. What was that? You daid you're a trader up from quincy? You have enough supplies to keep the genral store stocked for a whole month?" What was she talking about-- I mean, I get she's lying but theres no way they're gonna buy this?

(Piper)- you hear that, Danny? You gonna ope the gate and let us in? Or are you going to be the one talkig to crazy myrna about losing out on all this supply?"

(intercom)- " Geez, all right. No need to make it personal...give me a minute"

(Piper)- " Better head inside before they catch in on the bluff"

(Ash)- "You first"

The woman, Piper enters in. She was already hunted down by a husky man in a patchy yellow suit. Again she was being scolded, what did this woman do?

(Piper)- " Why don't we ask the newcomers? You three suppor the news? Cause the mayor's threatening to throw free speech in the dumpster"

(Ash)- " I don't really have time for your little argument. I have business here in Diamond City" I haven't heard Ash use his voice in that kind of tone. The kind where he doesn't care but himself, its sort of scary. Kinda acting like MacCready.

(Mayor)- " What sort of business do you have here?"

(Ash)- " I'm looking for someone"

(Piper)- " You're looking for someone, that's...specific"

(y/n)- " He's looking for his son, they took him when we were in vault 111" I mentioned in.

(Piper)- " You guys are vault dwellers? Oh, wait you're child's missing?" she looks to Ash and I.

(y/n)- " Not mine, His. I'm just a friend" I had to clear that out.

(Mayor)- " I'm sure you'll find someone here to help you find your son"

(Piper)- " Not even gonna offer these people help, maybe spare a diamond city security officer?"

(Mayor)- " They are mostly needed here to protect the safest place in the commonwealth."

(y/n)- " Do you know someone who can help us? I asked the Mayor

(Mayor)- " Well...There is...a man, sort of. A detective-- he can probably help you find something out"

(Ash)- " Thank you"

(Mayor)- " As for you Piper, for your actions-- consider you and that little sister of yours on notice." as he starts to trail off away from all of us.

(Piper)- " Yeah, yeah keep talking' McDonough. That's all you're good for"

(Piper)- " I'm impressed, not many people can get information from that stubborn mayor. Hmm why don't you three stop by my office when you have a chance, I think I found my next story"

She starts to head inside diamond city. I turn to face Ash and MacCready.

(y/n)- " So?"

(MacCready)- " What's the plan now?" as we both asked Ash.

(Ash)- " Rest here for a while-- get some information from this detective"

We all agreed and ahead inside diamond city.

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