Chapter 17: Stuck with him again.

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Hope you guys are enjoying this x Reader. Just a couple days ago it was only like at 40 reads and now its at 300 reads, wow...what a difference. I must be doing something right xD 


We leave Piper's place and head back outside to the center of Diamond City. There stood MacCready right where we left him. He approached us with a bored expression on his face.

(MacCready)- " Took you long enough, I was about to go in after you two"

(y/n)- " What now ash?"

(Ash)- " Find a place to rest I guess. I haven't thought about whats next, besides go see the detective. I know you guys might want to rest."

(MacCready)- " Whatever you want boss"

(y/n)- " You need more rest than anyone. We should find a place for now" Ash noded, we looked around to see anything about a stay in. So far I just see markets. MacCready got our attention by whistling and pointing to a way. We follow him, there stood a sign, Dugout In. We go in going through the narrow hallway. The lobby of the in was decent, A man stood behind a bar looking for someone to hear his sarcasm. Another man to our left sat on a chair readig a paper. He looked like he was incharge of the rooms. I tap Ash's shoulder and pointed to the guy on the chair. We approached him.

(Ash)-" Hey, excuse me"

(man)- " You need a room? 10 caps"

Ash took out caps and handed it him.

(man)- " Room 2, just through the door. Have a nice day"

We headed through and the door was right there it cant be missed. Ash opnes the door and the rooms were decent as well. A lot better than the one at Hotel rexford in goodneigher. The only problem was....there was three of us and only two places for us to sleep.

(MacCready)- " I'm already calling dibs on the couch" as he is already claiming it. Idiot.

(Ash)- " I'll sleep on the floor, I'll use my sleeping bag."

(y/n)- " No Ash, take the bed. You could use more of a good rest than me."

(Ash)- " You sure?"

(y/n)- " Yeah"

(Ash)- " Alright" we all got our stuff off and settled it on the floor. I sat on a single chair while MacCready lays on the couch and stretches with a quiet groan.

(Ash)- " Guys-- I'm gonna get some rest. What'll you do in the mean time?"

(y/n)- " I don't know about this goblin, but I'm gonna go explore around" I say pointing at MacCready with the back of my hand, thumb point at him. I get up to start to ahead out.

(MacCready)- " Goblin?"

(y/n)- " Yeah-- you heard me"

(MacCready)- " What does that make you? a witch bi--.... *grunts*.. A witch" he stops himself from saying a curse word. I stuck my tongue out at him.

(y/n)- " Get some rest Ash, I'll come by later with something to eat for you"

(Ash)- " Have fun"

I wave quick to Ash and flipped off MacCready. I leave the Dugout In. I hear the door open and close just after me. MacCready, what does he want want now...

(y/n)- " Can you like not follow me for once?"

(MacCready)- " It's my job"

(y/n)- " Whatever" I made my way to the center of Diamond City. It was starting to get dim outside. I walk around taking my time to admire and examine the markets. MacCready was walking right next to me with another bored look on his face.

(MacCready)- " Man, I'd kill for a drink. Come to think of it I have"

(y/n)- " You have no problem killing a man, don't you?"

(MacCready)- " Axes to grind. Let me to you, I have a ton of them"

(y/n)- " This is why I don't like you"

(MacCready)-" I'd think we'd get a long better if you just listen to me more"

(y/n)- " No"

(Ash)- " Guys.." Ash appeared behind us, he was out of bed and already up and about-- he isn't even slept for  five minutes yet.

(y/n)-"I thought you were sleeping?"

(Ash)- " I got word of a settlement that needs help, I need to be going"

(y/n)- " We'll go with you"

(Ash)- " No, you guys stay here...I would like to do this alone. It'll give me time to clear my head"

(y/n)- " Ash we shou--" MacCready puts his arm around the back of my head cupping my mouth. I couldn't speak-- he was covering my mouth tight. I tried to pull away his dirty hand away from my mouth. His hand smelled like gunpowder. 

(MacCready)- " Take care boss, we'll be here when you get back. I'll make sure she doesn't get into trouble"

(Ash)-" I won't be gone long" I tried to speak to make refuse Ash from going alone but MacCready wouldn't let me speak. I finally removed his hand away. The smell of the gunpowder lingered in my nose a little bit. 

(y/n)- " Asshole!"

(MacCready)- " Those aren't friendly words" I glare at MacCready leaving him behind, I'm going back to the Dugout In to get away from him.

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