Chapter 35: Oh no...

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Before i head off to bed....i thought why not post another chapter, i typed out alot-- so tomorrow morning expect about 3, maybe....


(Time skip)

My eyes slowly woke up on their own, I was staring at the grey, dark ceiling. I was upstairs in my bed. I slowly leaned up, my stomach wasn't being agreeable. I was gonna throw up. I leaned over my bed and there was a bucket there ready, waiting for me. I grabbed it close to me and released everything in my system.God-- I feel like shit right now. I placed the bucket down and layed back on the bed. I don't remember going to bed last night-- all I remember is drinking wine with.....MacCready! Oh no....don't tell me?...

(MacCready)- " Thought I heard you puking your guts out" he was coming up the stairs.

(y/n)- " How did I end up in bed?"

(MacCready)- " Someone can't hold down their liquor" he chuckles

(y/n)- " Don't tell me, you and I...." I made a disgusted face, I think I wasn't done puking yet..but yet, it was the thought of MacCready and I.

(MacCready)- " You and I? Hell no. The only way that will ever happen is if I've gone insane out of my mine"

(y/n)- " Oh thank god.." I was relieved nothing happened but I felt insulted as well...

(MacCready)- " Ash went to go speak with Nick this morning, told us to wait here"

(y/n)- " Better not leave again" I say sitting on the edge of my bed.

(MacCready)- " Don't worry-- you made it pretty clear that we shouldn't leave you alone. Don't go getting shot up again"

(y/n)- " Shut up" I got up from bed and went downstairs. Dogmeat ws sleeping on the couch-- it was such a cute moment, I didn't want to bother him. I sat at the table and just leaned back into it, my stomach wasn't feeling all that great-- even after I got it all out.

(y/n)- " I feel like shit..."

(MacCready)- " You look like it too..."

I glared at him-- I wasn't in the mood to hear his insults. He smirks sitting down across the table.

(y/n)- "What do we do while we wait for Ash?"

(MacCready)- " Just wait I suppose--"

As soon as he said that, the doors open, coming in Ash. He looked well, healthy....but he sure does need a haircut.

(Ash)- " Hey guys"

(MacCready)- " Any news?"

(Ash)- " Uhh, Nick and I found out the people who killed my wife and took my son."

(y/n)- " Really? Who?"

(Ash)- " This guy named, Kellogg? Does it ring a bell to anyone?"

I thought about it, but then I've never heard such a name anywhere. This guy-- he's our only clue to finding out where shaun is.

(MacCready)- "Nope"

(y/n)- " Nothing"

(Ash)- " Well, Nick and I found out he use to live here, his old home is still here and we're trying to get it open, But the Mayor and his assistant are stubborn..."

(y/n)- " Why not pick the lock?"

(Ash)- " I already tried....can't get it open"

(y/n)- " I can give it a try" I stood up form the chair, I was slightly dizzy..Ash held my shoulder for me to regain my balance.

(Ash)- " Your sick-- you need rest."

(Y/n)- " I'll be fine, let's go" I headed for the door, I can hear Ash sigh and came with me. 

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