Chapter 41: The Plan

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(MacCready)- " Let's get going, the faster we do this-- the faster I can come back and sleep."

I roll my eyes and we all headed out together. Ash was right, it was pouring out.

(Ash)- " Come on, let's run" Ash heads off first then MacCready. I follow them-- the rain was making it hard to run through the markets, I'm scared that I'm gonna fall and bust my ass. We made it to the agency and as we stepped in, it was pretty much cold in here than outside. How can MacCready wear a shirt out here, Ash too.

(Nick)- " Oh, hey. Nice to see you guys again."

(Ash)- " Hey Nick, sorry to come in on your day off"

(Nick)- " That's alright, I was wondering when you're gonna need my help"

(Ash)- " Yeah, so with kellogg gone....what next?"

The door opens behinds us, entering in Piper. Oh piper, the life of the party, Piper. She was confused why everyone was in here, probably so was nick about piper being here.

(Nick)- " Piper, what a pleasant surprise"

(Piper)- " Yeah, same goes for everyone else" 

(Nick)- " What do you need piper?"

(Piper)- " I'll tell you later, first help them"

(Nick)- " So, where is your son? At home safe and sound I assume?"

(Ash)- " No. I was too late, kellogg already handed shaun to The Institute"

(Piper)- " Oh man, I'm.....I'm so sorry" Piper says in a soft voice.

(Piper)- " Heck, Nick's a synth and he doesn't know how to get into The Institute"

(y/n)- " Really, Nick-- nothing?"

(Nick)- " They stripped my memories of whatever I knew of The Institute. I do remember them  taking me apart and putting me back together again." 

(Piper)- " I've been investigating these creeps for over a year now. Sometimes they snatch people in the middle of the night. Sometimes they leave old synths behind to remind us that they're out there. But to this day, there's one thing nobody really knows..."

(Nick)- "Where The Institute actually is, or how to get in"

(Piper)- " Exactlly. But there's one person who must know, right? The guy who just handed them shaun"

(y/n)- " Kellogg, he was our only source." I say as I touch the scar on my left cheek. Ash grabbed my right hand to try to comfort me. I half smiled, I remember when Kellogg held onto me, almost trying to kill me. Dont think about it..not now.

(Nick)- "He had to have a way in and out. But....he's not available"

(MacCready)- " We can talk to him. Feel like holding a seance?" he smirks. Ash and I look back to glare at him, his smirk goes away and he rasies his hands up to apologize

(Nick)- "A literal dead end, huh?"

(Piper) "So a murderer and a kidnapper gets his brains blown out by an avenging parent. It'd be a great ending if we didn't still have the biggest mystery in the commonwealth to solve.."

(Ash)- " I had no other choice, he was gonna kill,(y/n). I'd beat his brains out again if I could do it again.."

(Nick)- " "Beat his brains out.." huh... His brains. You know, we may not need the man at all"

(Piper)- " You're talking crazy here Nick. Got a fault in the Ole' subroutines?"

(Nick)- " Look, there's a place in Goodneighbor called--"

(y/n)- " The Memory Den.." I cut him off, I knew where he was going with this, but why the Den if kellogg was gone.

(Nick)- " You've been to the Den?"

(Ash)- "She got....hooked into her memories"

(Nick)- " The Den does that to some people, I'm sorry to hear. If anyone could get a dead brain to sing, it'll be Doctor Amari, the mind behind the memories"

(Ash)- " I don't know, Nick. That seems a little out there" He's right, having Doctor Amari to make Kellog's brain show us anything about The Institute is crazy, its not normal. Its it even possible?"

(Nick)- "You're talking to a synth. I am a lttle out there, just stay with me on this. Let's see...I guess we're going to need a piece of Kellogg's brain. Enough gray matter to bring to Amari and find out if this is going to work..."

(piper)- " Jesus, Nick...Gross, seriously ?"

(y/n)- " Gross...but cool" I chuckled

(Nick)- "I know it's grisly, but what choice do we have? We got no other leads. Nothing. That old merc's brain just might have all the secrets we need to know"

(MacCready)- "We're gonna need a really sharp ice cream scoop"

Ash and I look back at MacCready again, he's speaking way to much already.

(Nick)- "I'm sure you'll manage"

(Piper)- "Whether we're riding this crazy brain train or not, we can't all go running across the commonwealth. So, who's coming with you?"

(Ash)- " I got my team right here" Ash pulls MacCready and I closer to his sides putting his arms around our shoulder.

(Nick) "I have to go to the Memory Den either way, if I'm gonna introduce you to Amari, Ash. If you want we can all go there together?"

(Ash)- " You go on ahead, there's some things I gotta take care of first."

(Nick)- " Dont worry. We're gonna get your boy back. Just a few more steps.."

(Ash)- " I know....I just can't wait any longer."

(y/n)- " We'll get him back" I say rubbing his back for support.

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