Chapter 23: Normal Dinner

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(couple days later)

(y/n)- " And there we go" It's all done, our home in Diamond City, Ash and MacCready got furniture and other household items for our home. This felt normal-- being able to eat, sleep-- basically just living here. The kitchen area was nice, clean and even has a working stove. I might just cook for Ash and MacCready later....Or just for Ash, we'll see. The entrance door opens, in coming MacCready and Ash. They were admiring the home-- seeing how I arranged everything.

(Ash)- " Wow, looks great"

(MacCready)- " Where's the bed-- I'm thinkin' of taking a nap while you make dinner"

(y/n)- " You're beds upstairs with Ash" MacCready goes on up the stairs, passing my bed and going to the second floor. I got the first floor cause Ash wanted me to have more space, It's not like I can have more privacy... But that was nice of him.

(Ash)- " Hey look at this...My old vault suit" Ash takes it out of his bag. Looking at the vault suit reminded me of somehting.

(y/n)- " Oh, Ash. When MacCready and I were traveling...I thought I saw another vault out here. I wasn't sure but I think we should go see to it. Maybe other people are inside."

(Ash)- " Another vault?"

(y/n)- " Yeah-- we should go out and look for it"

(Ash)- " We just got settled into your new home, and already you want to leave?"

(y/n)- " I mean...maybe?"

(Ash)- " Why do you want to go find this vault anyway?"

(y/n)- " What if other people got frozen and they're just waiting to be woken up?"

(Ash)- " That's really want to go?

I nodded.

(Ash)- " Okay, we'll help out this vault and we'll finally go see this detective. I keep putting it off-- I've been so busy, Preston has me running here and there."

(y/n)- " Take a nap, I'll get a start on dinner"

Ash goes upstairs and rests too. I went to the kitcehn corner and started to chip up some vegetables.

(time skip)

(y/n)- " Guys! Dinner!" I shouted for them to come down. I made vegatable soup, something to warm their bodies, and their souls. I hear their footsteps comnig down. This will actually be our first meal together, the three of us. I started putting the soups in bowls and placing them on the table, They were hot and the smell coming from the soup was mouthwatering. I sat down with a bowl in front of me, waiting for MacCready and Ash to take a seat too.

(Ash)- " Smells good"

(MacCready)- " Actually looks edible" as MacCready and Ash take a chair. I was ready to dig in. They both picked up a spoon and had at it. I placed my spoon into the soup, getting a spoonful and putting it into my mouth was amazing. It's been a really time since I cooked something this good, Specially what we have available in the commonwealth. Ash and MacCready didn't say a word-- just a spoonful of vegetable soup is what they had on their minds.

(y/n)- " What do you guys think?"

(Ash)- " Excellent, you out done yourself"

(MacCready)- " I'd give it an eight-out-of-ten"

(y/n)- " That's probably the nicest thing you ever said" I smirked, he faintly grinned.

(y/n)- " So, find that vault tomorrow?"

(MacCready)- " Vault?"

(y/n)- " Yeah-- I think I saw a vault when we were on way to the interchange. Maybe more dwellers are trapped inside like we were"

(MacCready)- " Alright-- whatever you two want to do"

(y/n)- " Just shut up and eat your food" 

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