Chapter 10:Goodneighbor (part 2)

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This is the MacDreamy mod for MacCready, I mean.... look at him xD

Picture him like this... but with his yellow and green outfit though.


(time skip)

We entered the doors of The third rail, interesting does have a ring to it.

(stranger)- "Hancock says newcomers are welcome in the third head on in"

I followed Ash going down the stairs, I can hear a woman singing as we get further down. Her singing was lovely, soothing and relaxing.  We made it to the bottom of the steps, we made a left turn to see the bar was being attended by a robot like codsworth. People were already here drinking and socializing. We stepped further in, a woman stops herself from drinking to speak.

(woman)- " What? Another one of you mercs looking for MacCready? He's in the backroom" who is she talking about. She continues to drink by her lonesome.

(y/n)- " What was that about?" I whisper to Ash. He shrugs.

(y/n)- " Maybe its someone who needs help? Should we help?"

(Ash)- " I don't want to get involved"

(y/n)- " Come on, we should help others while we're here. Maybe get some insight about diamond city" I say lightly smacking his arm with the back of my hand. I head towards the back room to see who this MacCready is. Ash follows me this time. I went through the doorway of the VIP room, there stood two men talking. I felt weird hearing their conversation. Ash stood there with me until it was our turn to talk to MacCready, maybe he's important?

(Stranger 1)- " Can't say I'm surprised to find you in a dump like this, MacCready."

(Stranger 2)- " I was wondering how long it would take you bloodhounds to track me down, winlock"

I look to Ash who was on his pipboy checking if it still was working. I got his attention... I mouthed words if he can talk to MacCready maybe he can help us out, maybe he can return the favor. He declined at first but I gave him a puppy dog look and he finally agreed.

(Stranger 2)- " I don't take order from you.....not anymore. So why don't you take your girlfriend and walk out of here while you still can"

(stranger 3)- "What?! Winlock, tell me we dont have to listen to this shit..."

I look towards Ash, This guy seems like he is a bad guy or something-- he seems like he is a troublesome fellow. Ash was again on his pipboy, what can he possibly be doing. I grabbed his pipboy to see what he was doing. He was playing a game! A damn game on his pipboy!

He chuckles and shrugs.

(strange 2)- " You finished?"

(stranger 1)- " Yeah....we're finished. Come on Barnes"  I hear foosteps coming our way. These two semi large men pass us. They gave Ash and I a glare like we will kill you if you keep staring at us look. I looked away and entered further into the room. This must be MacCready, he wasn't all what I was expecting.

(MacCready)- " Look lady. If you're preaching about the atom, or looking for a friend, you've got the wrong guy. If you need a hired gun....then maybe we can talk"

I looked towards Ash who came to talk to MacCready for us.

(Ash)- " Maybe, tell us who were those guys first and maybe we'll talk about hiring you"

(MacCready)- " Just a couple of morons looking to climb the ladder of success by stepping on everyone else on the way up. You shouldnt be surprised though, that's how it goes when you run with the gunners"

(y/n)- " Gunners?" I cut in with a question.

(MacCready)- "They're one of the biggest gangs in the commonwealth. I stuck with them cause the caps were good, I left when things got too serious. Now how will I know I won't end up with a bullet in my back?"

(Ash)- " You don't. That's part of the risk, Right?"

(MacCready)- " Can't argue with that. So what brings you to me?" he says crossing his arms.

(Ash)- " I would like to hire protect my friend here"

(y/n)- " Whoa, Ash, that wasn't part of the deal. We were gonna ask him about diamond city"

(Ash)- " I changed my mind"

(MacCready)- " I don't do babysitting"

(y/n)- " I don't need a mercenary to protect me, I can handle myself"

(Ash)- " After what happened with the ferals, It's best that you are well protected"

(y/n)- " Thought you were gonna teach me, what happened to you and I being able to protect each other?"

(Ash)- "  I can't protect you all the time, if he's there he'll be able to handle himself and you. What'd you say?" as he asks MacCready for an answer.

(MacCready)- " I'll tell you what. Price is 250 caps...up front. And there's no room for bargaining"

Ash lookes at me with a dead ass serious look, he was really gonna hire someone to protect me. It was one time I couldn't shoot something, it wont happen a second time. Ash pulls out his bag filled with caps. He hands it to MacCready as he takes it with joy.

(MacCready)- " You just hired an extra gun, and body guard. Lead on boss" he says to Ash.

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