Chapter 38: Fort Hagen (part 1)

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(time skip)

After a couple hours of walking, killing-- following Dogmeat. We reached a place Dogmeat lead to us....Fort Hagen. This is it, we found him....there is no escaping. We entered inside, slowly watching our step, I still had the laser rifle, I held it in my grip-- ready to go when the time comes. Ash lead the way, I followed behind MacCready-- these two were on their toes.

(Ash)- " Quiet....I hear synths"

(MacCready)- " How many can you hear?"

(Ash)- " Two-- maybe three. Watch it you guys" he whispers. He continues to lead on-- I can hear robotic voices...they sound very threatening, gives e chills down my spine. Ash goes up ahead and stops. He nodes at MacCready and he nodes back-- what are they saying to each other!? MacCready slowly passes Ash and aims his rifle-- it goes off and a thud was heard. He shot down a synth. That alerted the rest of them, oh shit....

(Ash)- " (y/n), stay here and stay down!"

(y/n)- "What!?" Ash and MacCready go on without me-- what the fuck!? Guns start firing and I hear grunting-- why am I hearing grunting! Fuck Ash's orders, I run towards Ash, i saw him get pistol whipped by the robotic synth. I jumped on its back covering its eyes. It struggled to move or see, it grabbed my hair-- pulling me over his body. I land on my back-- that shit hurt but I grabbed my rifle and aimed up at the synth. It's head detached from his body-- I killed a synth! My first synth.

(Ash)- " Thought I told you to stay down!" Ash was angry but he held out his hand for me to stand back up.

(y/n)- " I killed it didn't I?" I grabbed his hand and he pulled me to my feet. Ash's left eyebrow was bleeding, must have been from that hit.

(MacCready)- " Shall we continue or do we need a five minute break?"

(Ash)- " Let's go-- no more waiting"

(time skip)

We entered an elevator, we don't know where this thing goes-- but it will lead us to Kellogg. I swear, he will not exit this building, I will make sure of that. I look up at Ash and he was boilding-- looking at him, he looked like he was gonna explode. The elevator dings and we exit out-- following the hallway we found two more synths. Ash fired before instructing us two-- he sure is pissed off....

We walked further in, there was a metal door- it screamed, I am rigged.

(Kellogg)- " Well...if it isn't my old friend, the frozen T.V dinner. Last time we met you were cozying up to the peas and apple cobbler. Hmm, I don't recognize the other two you brought with you.."

That must be Kellogg, ooh.....I feel my body getting hot-- Hearing him just pisses me off. MacCready places his hand on my shoulder to calm down. He doesn't do it Ash though...

(Kellogg)- " Sorry your house has been a wreck for many years. I don't need roommates....leave"

(Ash)- " God damn that son of a bitch" he says grinding his teeth.

We entered these blue double doors to get further inside Fort Hagen, Ash was stomping his way there-- he needs to calm down, I mean I'm angry too but the way Ash is handling it-- that will get him killed for sure...

(Kellogg)- "Hmph. Never expected you to come knocking down my door. Gave you 50/50 odds making it to Diamond City. After that, figured the commonwealth would chew you up like jerky." This guy....

(Ash)- " Just show yourself already!"

(MacCready)- " Boss relax"

Ash goes up ahead-- almost leaving us behind. MacCready goes after him-- trying to calm him down but Ash shrugs him off, theres nothing we can do to calm him down...he will kill him if he keeps this up...

(Kellogg)- " Look. You're pissed off. I get it. Whatever you think you're gonna accomplish here? It aint gonna happen that way"

God damn him.....why doesn't he just walk out and face us like man? why does he have to talk to us this way--- why is he hiding?

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