Chapter 4: What now?

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This is my character in fallout 4. This is how I customized Ash. Also I'm throwing in a few mods that I wanted to be in here so keep that in mind.


(time skip)

After some time of crying, Ash took me to someones bed. I rested for a while but I didn't want to sleep, I slept for...god knows how long. I was still outside taking cover, I sat up from this bed- there on my right side stood this large metal-- suit, power armor maybe. A few people walk around like they have nothing to do. An elderly woman slowly walking around like she was looking for something. Another woman looks like she would rage out at you, a man in white t-shirt sitting on the dirt looking very depressed

(Ash)- " You're awake" I hear ash's voice near, I look in front of me-- there he stood with some water. He hands me the purified water, I opened it-- chugging it down.

(Ash)- " Take it easy, don't want to over do it"

I slowed down on the water-- my stomach was feeling a little upset.

(y/n)- "Thanks" I uttered licking my lips. There was a moment of silence, we were both out of words to say.

(Ash)- " How did you get out" he finally said something.

(y/n)- " I don't know, I just woke up-- I got out of that machine, and then-- I saw Nor--Nora and.." thinking about her started to make me get emotional. Ash sat down beside me on the bed, pulling me in for a hug.

(Ash)- " Shhh.. I know, its okay "

(y/n)- "What is happening, What happened?" I talked as my voice cracks

(Ash)- " You're gonna have trouble hearing this but-- we've been frozen for about 200 years. Everything's different."

(y/n)- " 2-- 200 years?" I couldn't believe it, and saying it doesn't make me believe it either. Why were we frozen, why were we the other ones who made it-- what about everyone else?

(Ash)- " Yes, I woke up a week ago-- I was in your exact same position right now" I felt like I had a confusing look to my face.

(y/n)- " Sh-Shaun, where is he?" Ash's face expression had a frown to it.

(Ash)- " Someone took him"

(y/n)- " What--how--?"

(Ash)- " Some people, opened up Nora's pod. They were gonna take shaun but nora refused-- someone killed her."

(y/n)- "Who?"

(Ash)- " I don't know-- but i'm gonna find who killed my wife and get my son back"

I nodded, with a single tear sliding down my cheek. Ash wipped it away, forcing out a little grin. I grinned for a quick second. A man with a brown cowboy hat and a odd looking gun came up to us.

(Unknown)- " Is she alright?"

(Ash)- "Yeah-- she's fine, she's tough. (y/n), this is Preston Garvey"

(Preston)- " Hi, I'm glad you're okay... so.. You two know each other?"

(Ash)- " Yeah-- she was friend's with my wife, godmother to my son"

(Preston)- " Wow,-- I thought nobody else made it out of there. When Ash found us-- he was clueless what happened out here, its different now" Preston was called by a man in overalls, he leaves leaving Ash and I

(Ash)- " Yeah-- when I woke up, I went out to look for help. I found Preston and the rest of these guys held up by raiders. I killed them, I helped the minutemen out, we ended up here-- this is their new home. I helped them set up.

(y/n)- " This is all so much-- "

(Ash)- " Take a rest-- sleep and we'll figure out what to do"

(y/n)- " No I don't want to sleep-- that part I already did, I-- want to eat something"

(Ash)- " Okay-- here, here's a muitfruit" he hands me these oddly colored,strange fruit?

(y/n)- " What is this?"

(Ash)- " A muitfruit, I know it looks strange but it's a fruit, try it" I  was hesitant, I brought it near my lips. I took a chunk out of the muitfruit, chewing it in my mouth and swallowing it. I wasn't so bad.

(y/n)- " So what is the plan?" I asked him. He stood up from the edge of the bed.

(Ash)- "Going to Diamond City"

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