Chapter 7: Ferals!

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(couple days later)

No more, no more sleeping on the dirt floor. I've had it-- two days, thats all my back can take. So far we haven't encountered anything dangerous yet. We passed by the starlight Drive in a couple days back. Its deserted-- cars still parked in front of the giant screen. I remember I went there before the world ended, I been to a couple dates and my date would take me there. It was lovely. Ash knew where we were going, he decided to follow the old highway, it should lead us into the city. It would be a lot quicker if we didn't have to reroute when water blocks our path, we have to go around or find a way across. Along the way we found another settlement, Covenant I think it was called. It was well fortified-- they know how to keep enemies away. I wanted to enter in but Ash wanted to get on track to finding shaun. I do too. We almost died when we had to cross a bridge, It was booby trapped, who the hell does that?! Ash was good at keeping his eyes peeled, he noticed the bridge had landmines near gasoline tanks, Damn you whoever did that.

We got packing up our things to head out, we camped out near this neighborhood. Why couldnt we camp inside one of these homes for the night?

(Ash)- " (y/n), come here" I backed my bag and settled it on my back. I went towards Ash and he was doing something with a pistol.

(y/n)- " What is it?"

(Ash)- " Here, take this" he hands me an extra pistol. I grabbed the gun, it wasn't so heavy but its just a pistol-- wonder what else gun Ash is gonna let me wield.

(y/n)- " Why are you giving me this now?"

(Ash)- " I'm gonna show you how to shoot, now that were getting closer to the city-- I don't know what we'll encounter, but I would want you to be prepared for anything"

(y/n)- " I got this Ash, I bet I'm probably a good shooter" I was being cocky already, maybe I am good at shooting, maybe its one of my hidden talents. Ash raises a brow and smirks, He thinks Im kidding.....I'm not.

(Ash)- " Okay-- you see that STOP sign?" he points ahead of me, It was a good distance away from me. I nodded.

(Ash)- " Okay, aim the pistol....keep your arms loose not too straight. Good. Now, keep both eyes open...when you shoot-- its going to recoil but not to much"

(y/n)- " I've seen action movies Ash, I know how a gun works"

(Ash)- " Okay, give it try..aim at the sign"

Okay sign, you're about to be shot at by me, (f/n) (l/n). I breathed in and out-- I was a little nervous but I'm confident that I can shoot it. I put my finger at the trigger, okay, I got it. I pulled it, the bullet escapes the barrel of the gun and misses the sign but penetrates the ground. I felt embarrassed, I was sure I could shoot the sign. I look at Ash and he was laughing away at me.

(y/n)- " Stop laughing, it was my first try!"

(Ash)- " Its okay-- good shot, try again" as he calms down from laughing too hard. I looked forward at the stop sign once more-- I inhaled and exhaled, I placed my finger on the trigger. I pulled it back and another bullet escapes and misses the sign again!

(y/n)- " Oh come on!"

(Ash)- " Its fine, if you keep practicing you'll shoot that sign some day-- you hear that?" I listened to what Ash was trying to listen to, it sounded like something was coming.

(Ash)- " Ferals!"

(y/n)- "What the hell is a feral!?"

(Ash)- " Those" he points. These strange beings were shuffling out of the church ahead of us, about three of them were moving in a zombie like movement. What are these things? Ash starts shooting at those ferals. One goes down but the other two were coming a little faster towards us.

(Ash)- " shoot (y/n)!"

I aimed my gun, but I couldn't shoot these things--I know for sure whatever these things are....they use to be people. Ash reloads and shoots at the ferals again taking another one to the ground. The last one was charging at us, Ash swore at his gun being jammed. I had a working gun, I could shoot this thing down but I cant. The feral leaps to tackle me down but ash pushes me away landing on the hard dirt. Ash gets tackled down on the ground with the feral on top of him. The gun was out of my hands and right next to me, I couldn't grab it to save Ash. He manages to take out a knife and stab it underneath the ferals chin, killing it instantly. It lands lifeless on Ash, he pushes it off of him. He wipes away the dirt off of shirt but he couldn't wipe away the blood stains on him. He came towards me with a unreadable look on his face, I know for sure he was gonna yell or scream at me. He held out his hand for me to get back upon my feet. I took hishand and got up. He reaches down and grabs the gun that I was useless to.

(y/n)- " Ash.... I..---"

(Ash)- " It's okay, it was your first time firing a gun-- but this cannot happen again. Ferals will not stop charging so fire when you see them next time" as he pats my right shoulder to start heading out again. Man I feel so useless to him. Nora-- I almost got Ash killed. I'm sorry. 

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