Chapter 3: Defrosted

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(time skip)

I felt warmth surround my body, My eyes slowly opening, they're having trouble but they're trying. My vision was blurry, the pod door opens-- I step out slowly, falling out of it landing on my chest. I felt so much pain on my body. I roll around in pain-- I look up at the lights, bright as hell. I cough-- from taking too much air into my lungs. Take it easy. What the hell happened? I got up slowly as I can. Nora, maybe she got out too-- I stumbled to her pod next to me. It was already opened, I look into her pod, I place my hand on my mouth--no, it cant be. I saw a bullet wound on her head, she was dead!

(y/n)- " Nora! Oh" I started to cry, loud sobs echo in here, I didn't care-- my childhood friend was dead. I reached for her hand, she was cold, wet from being out. What happened to her. Shaun, he's gone-- where is he? I looked across Nora's pod, it was open-- Ash isn't here-- thank god for him. He must have shaun. I need to get out of here, I can't be here. I followed the way I came into the vault, the door was jammed but I somehow got it to open. I was startled when there was a skeleton body lying on the floor with the vault jumpsuit, What the hell happened? We were alseep? We were frozened? Why?

The huge massive vault shapped door was opened, this is my way out-- is it safe up top? It didn't matter-- lets find out. I walked out the vault onto the elevator going above ground. I held myself in my own arms for comfort. The lights were out again seeing nothing but darkness. Light shining in my face-- it was so bright I my eyes to block out the massive light hurting my eyes. Once they adjusted, I gasped at how the view looks. Everything was different. Trees burnt, grass replaced with sand-- things damanged. This is what's left? I continue to hold myself-- this is so much to take in. I want to go home, if I still have a home. I follow down the path that I remember We ran passed to get to the vault. Skeleton bodies here and their-- some people didn't make it out. That could have been me if I didn't make it out with Nora and Ash. I cross the small bridge-- it was still stable enough to go cross. Up the hill-- sanctuary, home. I make it above the hill, some houses stood still and some houses collasped. I gripped my arms tighter, what am I going to do? I walk down the block to head back home, my eyes wondered. I saw some people taking shelter at the neighbors house across from Nora's house.They looked harmless. One man with a dirty brown hat-- stood there talking to this other man. He stops what he was doing and turns to look at me. I squited to see who are these people. The man was turned to see me-- started to walk my way. No.. It cant be?

(Ash)- " (y/n)!?" it was Ash! He's here! He's alive!  He runs towards me with open arms, I get all emotional-- I'm not the only one who made it out. He embraces me-- holding me as I fall to my knees. He kneels still holding me as I cry into his shoulder, all these emotions coming out about the world changing and Nora's death. He sniffled, he must have felt a little emotional too.

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