Chapter 39: Fort Hagen (part 2)

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(time skip)

(Kellogg)- " Okay, you made it. I'm just up ahead. My synths are standing down. Lets talk"

Here we are, we're about to face the man who ruined our lives...

(MacCready)- " Ash! Wait!"

(Ash)- " No more waiting! I'm gonna end him right now!"

(y/n)- " Ash no! If you do that, you wont get anything from him-- we will lose track on finding shaun....we will lose everything"

Ash deeply sighs, takes in a few deep breathes and calms down... we all enter through together.. The room was dark..lights light slowly starting from the back coming up towards the front... there comes a man around the corner raising his hands up-- like he will do that so easily.....couple synths aim at us but I still think they are going to fire when they have a chance...Kellogg...that son of a bitch.

(Kellogg)- " There He is. The most resilient man in the commonwealth"

Ash steps foward, MacCready and I stay behind to give Ash some cover....

(Kellogg)- " let'"

(Ash)- " End of the line kellogg. You die, and I get my son back"

(Kellogg)- " You can turn around right now. Go back the way you came. Shaun? Besides being a bit older than you were expecting...I'm afraid he's not even here. So you see? It is the end of the line. But not the way you imagined" when I heard Kellogg said Shaun isn't here, I felt my hopes drop to the floor....

(Ash)- "Goddamn it, you mercenary motherfucker. Where. Is. My. Son?!" shit.. He's getting impatient again.. Ash....

(Kellogg)- " What's the cliche? "So close, but yet so far away?" that's Shaun. Dont' worry. You'll die knowing he's safe, and happy. A bit older than you expected, but ah least he's in a loving home. The Institute"

(Ash)- " The Institute? Well I'll find him, no matter where he is.Nothing will stop me, not even you"

(Kellogg)- " I think we've been talking long enough. Now....we both know how this has to end"

(Ash)- " You know, Kellogg, in a hundred years, when I finally die, I only hope I go to Hell so I can kill you all over again, you piece of shit"

The synths start firing- MacCready and I fire back at them. Took a couple shots to bring them down. Ash was focused on Kellogg but he wasn't anywhere in sight.

(Ash)- " God damn it! I lost him!"

(y/n)- " Where is he!?

(Kellogg)- " Behind you" I hear a whisper in my left ear, I turn my head Kellogg was invisible-- cloaked or something. He returned to normal-- able to see him now. He grabs me-- holding me by a chold hold. I dropped my gun -- I was unable to escape free. Ash and MacCready watch-- unable to do something without me being in the way.

(Ash)- " Let her go, Kellogg-- this is between you and I"

(Kellogg)- " I'll let her go, just let me walk out of here"

(MacCready)- " We're not letting you walk"

Kellogg pulls out a knife, I was afraid-- what is he gonna do!? I try to get out of the hold but he would just tighten up his hold. He brings the knife closer to my face. He places the tip of the knife on my left cheek-- I can feel the sharp point, oh my something...

(Kellogg)-" Ahh, step any closer-- I'll cut her"

I looked at them both and Ash stepped closer....Kellogg slowly, deeply scratched halfway down my cheek, I felt my skin tear-- I groan in pain, he's cutting me- right in front of them. Ash didn't move after kellogg cut my cheek.

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