Chapter 16: Piper

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We made it up the stairs, the view of Diamond City was breathtaking, there might not be much but A banner was above us-- Happy Halloween. That's right...its was October, its also kind of the anniversary of when the bombs dropped. Christ. We walked further on in, people were walking aorund-- enjoying living it. There was a super salon! Oh man, I am just dying to clean my hair. Fallon's basement-- I hope thats a clothing store.

(MacCready)- " It's been a long time since I was here"

(y/n)- " You've been here before?" he nodes

(y/n)- " Why didn't you mention that to us?"

(MacCready)- " Like I said, 'its -been-a-long-time' " he scoffs. I was excited to be here, I mean-- its a city isn't? It may be small but for me it's a lot to explore. Ash seemed a little relieved that we finally made it, It's a step closer to finding shaun. I looked to Ash again, He had something in mind.

(y/n)- " What you got in mind, Ash?"

(Ash)- " I'm gonna go talk to Piper, you guys stay put"

(y/n)- " I'll go with you"

(Ash)- " Alright." we trailed off to the building called Publick occurrences. A little girl was out trying to sell the paper like old school movies you see kids do. I look behind me, MacCready wasn't moving with us at all.

(MacCready)-" MacCready, you coming?"

(MacCready)- " You guys go on ahead-- I'll wait out here" as he leans up against the wall with his arms crossed. I shrug, I didn't care what he wanted to do. Ash and I enter the home of Piper. She heard us entering in, she had excitement in her eyes to see two new faces with a story she can print out on paper.

(Piper)- " Glad you blue's dropped by" Ash and I looked at each other confused by pipers greeting.

(Ash)- " Uh...what did you call us?"

(Piper)- " Cause you two are vault dwellers? I know you two aren't wearing the blue jumpsuit but that pipboy of yours is a dead giveaway"

(Ash)- " So you wanted us to drop by? We're here, so what now?"

(Piper)- " Heres the deal, I want to interview you two. It'll make a great story and give diamond city an outside perspective on the commonwealth. I'll tell you what if you do the interview-- I'll go with you guys, ya know-- watch your guys' back. What do you say?"

(Ash)- " We'll do the interview piper, no need to risk your life to come out there. Besides I got enough on my plate as it is" as he points at me with his thumb. I punch his right shoulder, he chuckles rubbing the spot I hit.

(Piper)- " Well, my offer still stands if you decide to change your mind. Anyways, I'm curious what the vault was like"

(Ash)- " My wife,my son, (y/n) and I were frozen for about 200 years. Didn't really spent time in the vault like what they advertise on t.v."

(y/n)- " Yeah, if I could leave a review...I would"

(Piper)- " Wait. They boxed you up in a fridge? The whole time? Are you saying you guys were alive before the war?"

(y/n)- " behold..we are immortal" I chuckle, I made myself laugh-- thats sort of sad, but it was a good one.

(Piper)- " I guess you guys kind are. Oh my god. 'The vault dwellers out of time'. So you've seen the commonwealth. Diamond City. How does it compare to your old life?"

(Ash)- " Honestly, seeing everyone surviving out here? Rebuilding the world? It gives me hope."  hearing those words come out of Ash, was actually surprising, I didn't think he would say something like that.

(Piper)- "That's....Surprisingly inspiring blue one. We're definietly quoting that"

(y/n)- " Wait-- am I blue two?" I had to ask. Piper nodes and smiles.

(Piper)- " Now the main question. You came all this way to look for someone, who is it?"

(Ash)- " My son, Shaun. He was kidnapped. He's still just a infant"

(Piper)- " The parent after the missing child, I'm sorry. Heartbreaking as ever. Do you guys think the institute is involved?

(y/n)- " Who the hell is the institute?"

(Piper)- " That's a mystery no one knows who they really are, but they sure do leave they're toys behind. Synths, syntheitic people they create in labs. They even make doppelgängers of other people, these days its hard to tell who's human and who's a synth."

(y/n)- " Christ, thats messed up, what do you do when you encounter someone who's a synth?"

(Piper)- " Reason with it I suppose? Now for the last part of our interview, I'd like to do something different. I want you to make a statement to Diamond City directly. The threat of kidnapping is all but ignored in the commonwealth. Everyone wants to pretend it doesn't happen.What would you say to someone out there who's lost a loved one but might be too scared or too numb to the world, to look for them?"

I look to Ash, he was the one who mostly lost it all. He looks down and sighs. He's probably coming up with words and trying to figure out what to say.

(Ash)- " All you can really do is...take it one day at a time." As he looks up to speak out his words to stand behind them.

(Piper)- " Strong note to end on, blue. Thanks. That's everything, its gonna be a while till I get this all written down on paper but I think your story is gonna give Diamond City plenty to think about Thanks guys. I'll see you around"

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