Chapter 26: Vault 81 (part 2)

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(Intercom)- " Hold it right there, Vault 81 security. I don't know what you two are doing here but you better start talking" the voice out of nowhere startled me.

(y/n)- " Er-- I'm From vault 111" I didn't know what to say but tell them I'm a vault dweller too.

(Intercom)- " Vault 111? Haven't heard of that one yet. What sort of business are you looking to take care of here?"

(y/n)- " uhhh--" I didn't know they're would be survivors here, its like this trip was for nothing

(MacCready)- " Were just travelers, thought maybe we can take a look around" MacCready cut in, he looked annoyed.

(Intercom)- " Is that so? You expect me to believe that--.....oh overseer!" I hear a woman on the intercom with the security they were having a conversation while we were waiting to be let in or not. MacCready lights up a cigarette while we wait.

(Intercom)- " Sorry about that, officer Edwards was just doing his job. He was just being cautious who he lets into the vault. For new comers, we like to operate on exchange. You help us, we help you"

I looked to MacCready, he shrugs giving me nothing to work with.

(y/n)- " I'm a vault dweller, could you just trust me and let us in?"

(MacCready)- " You think they're gonna buy that?" He whispers, I shrug. Again these vault dwellers were having conversations. The security officer told his overseer that I was from a vault, she was intrigued.

(Intercom)- " I'm going to allow it, get the door open and make an announcement. We'll meet you near the enterance"

(y/n)- " Holy shit, that worked"

(MacCready)- " Let's go" as he drops his cigarette and steps on it.

I walked up to the vault entrance door, I was blinded by the white lights.

(y/n)- " Shit, man", I shield my arms from the lights.

(MacCready)- " Can't see a damn thing"

We walked further in-- those damn lights. Once our eyes were shielded, there stood a redheaded woman and a security officer. A woman to our left wouldn't stop looking at us with a annoyed look on her face, what did we do? She utters something to herself but I couldn't hear her words. We approached the secuirty officor and the overseer.

(Overseer)- " Sorry about that. As you can already see-- we have projects undergoing maintence. Gwen McNamera, overseer. So if you're a vault dweller-- is this vault 111 you speak of still operational?"

(y/n)- "No it's not...It's abandonded. Nothing lives there now"

(Overseer)- " I don't understand, Vaults are suppose to be the safest built structures, What happened there?"

(y/n)- "They had us frozen in these pods, but something malfunctioned."

(Overseer)- " Oh my god, all those lives lost due to a malfunction. You two are the only ones who made it out?"

(MacCready)- " Oh no-- I wasn't with them in the vault"

(Overseer)- " Them? Those them?"

(y/n)- " A friend of ours, he and I were trapped in that vault together."

(Overseer)- " That's unacceptable, I suppose we're lucky. We managed to keep this vault going for over two centries."

(y/n)- " I'm surprised you kept this vault in good shape for so long"

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