Chapter 21: It's Done

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(time skip)

The sun was setting, we were really close to the interchange. I feel the pressure now.

(MacCready)- " All right, Winlock and Barnes should be here. Let's take them down" MacCready gets his rife ready, I did the same. I look up ahead-- there was a person scouting. MacCready fires first killing the gunner dead. Now they know where here. There were two others here. I took cover behid the concreate wall supporting the interchange. MacCready moves up ahead to kill the other gunners. I can do this-- these peolpe are bad guys. Bad guys (y/n), you can do this. I ran to more cover, I was getting fired at but they missed me. I aimed my gun at a gunner, He was shooting me but I was safe behind cover. I breathed in and out quickly to calm myself down. I placed my finger on the trigger and pulled. I hear a man grunt and heard a thud hit the ground. I looked up and I shot him dead.

(y/n)- " Holy shit" I mumble to myself. MacCready took care of the last one, he got out of cover for us to recuperate and see what's next. I went over to him, he was looking up above him in case there were any snipers.

(MacCready)- " You all right? Man, you got one of them. I'm surprised"

(y/n)- " Don't celebrate yet, there might be more of them"

(MacCready)- " Yeah, we gotta get up top" as he points above us. How the hell did they manage to get up there?

(y/n)- " How are we gonna get up there?" MccCready points behind him with his thumb pointing towards what looks like an elevator. That thing doesn't look stable whatsoever.

MacCready goes towards the elevator-- pushes the button. There it comes down slowly. Would they even notice the elevator working right now? The elevator makes it fully down, This is it-- this is my ticket to hell-- right now if I step on this elevator. MacCready steps on, he waits for me to join him but I hesitate.

(MacCready)- "We got, (y/n). I got your back" as he holds out his hand for me to take to join him on the plateform. Oh shit-- is it too late to run? MacCready said he wont hold it against me, but I have a feeling he would. If Ash knew about this he would fire MacCready for bringing me out here. I accepted MacCready's hand and joined him on the elevator. He presses the button and up we go.

(MacCready)- " If we die, at least we died together, right?" he smirks. Is he kidding me right now?

My chest is beating so fast-- my hands are super sweaty. I could faint right now...don't faint. Don't faint. The elevator makes its stop at the top. We hear voices-- gunner voices. The deep scratchy tone. They noticed the elevator but they drew their weapons, realizing we were one of their own.

(Gunner)- " Who the fuck are you!?" as they started shooting. MacCready pushes me towards cover with him. I should have just stayed down there and deal with mutated animals. They were firing their guns at us, they are missing terribly-- I mean were behind cover...wait for us to pop our heads up! That was dumb for me to say.....

(MacCready)- " You get left, I'll go right-- we'll meet back when everyone here is dead. Got it?"

I nodded, were sepereating? The only time I want to be separated is when were not in danger, now that were in danger I don't want to separate. He goes off to where he said he would go, I take a deep breathe and venture off to the left side. I hid behind cover. There stood Barnes aiming his gun, waiting for one of us to come out.

(Barnes)- " I know you're there! Come on out!" I exhaled and took a deep breathe. I leaned up aiming the rifle towrds him pulling the trigger. It missed and aimed at the railing behind him. Damn it!

(Barnes)- " Got to do better then that kid!" he starts shooting but I was behind cover, I was safe....for now. He stops-- he's reloading, its my chance to take. I leaned up again firing at him-- my bullet got gim in the leg. He yells in pain, knocking over chairs in the process. He falls to the ground.

(Barnes)- " Bitch! I'm gonna kill you!"

I Hear footsteps approaching behind me, I aim my gun but didn't pull the trigger. It was MacCready. Damn him-- I could have killed him..

(MacCready)- " Its clear over there, only two gunners and a turret. What about here?"

(y/n)- " Gunners further down waiting for us, and I wounded Barnes"

(MacCready)- " Sweet, I'll finish this--"

(y/n)- " No, I want this one"

(MacCready)- "What? Why?"

(y/n)- " He called me a bitch" I roll my eyes and leaned up and shot Barnes in the chest. He falls back. I look back at MacCready-- he seemed impressed. I felt like I did something horribly wrong, but there's no police-- theres no law. Its the commonwealth now. If Ash was in danger and If I had to make a decision to kill, to save Ash, I would kill someone. He is my Friend. I'd do anything.

(y/n)- " Where's Winlock?"

(MacCready)- " Probably further down, lets go" I follow MacCready further down the interchange to get rid of the rest of the gunners. We hid behind more cover, Holy shit. There was a robot, just like Kl-e-o back at Goodneighbor. She was lit up red and ready to go. There was one in power armour-- that must be Winlock.

(MacCready)- " Damn, Assaultron...alright you get them on the right, and I'll get them on the left" I nod again, I jump over the barricade. There they notice we were here to take on round two. MacCready gets their attention and I take that opportunity to fire them at open gunners. I shot down two and they didn't seem to get back up. I feel the adrenaline kick inside me, I rush forward to get a clearer shot. The Assaultron was heading over to MacCreadys side, Winlock locked eyes on me and came towards me. I start firing at him with the rifle but bullets were just bouncing off of him, Fuck. Fuck.fuck!

He rushes towards me, I ran from cover but Winlock already had me in his hands. The tight grip he had on me was extremly painful. I shout in pain-- It caught MacCready's attention after he just takened down the Assaultron. He looked in shock-- worried to be more specific.

(MacCready)- " Winlock! Let her go!" he jumps over cover to get to us. I was worried he was gonna get shot but more gunners but he must have taken care of them as well.

(Winlock)- " You and This asshole killed barnes, You think I'm gonna let go so easily?"

(MacCready)- " She's not part of this--" Winlock grabs my Right arm and bends it in a way thats not meant to. I scream of my arm being broken. He drops me on the ground, I held my broken arm tightly close to my chest. Oh my fuck! The pain-- it hurts twice as more after being broken!.

MacCready starts firing at winlock-- they both were shot but it didn't affect them. Winlock falls down next to me-- He's dead. MacCready killed him. I hear MacCready rushing towards me throwing his rifle on the ground -- not caring for it but me. He kneels down concerned.

(MacCready)- " Crap. Crap. Crap!" MacCready grabs something from his pocket. It was a stimpack. He stabs the needle into my arm, I still held my arm-- I couldn't move it at all. I felt tired and I wanted to shut my eyes.

(MacCready)- " No no no no-- stay awake!" I couldn't. I shut them closed.

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