Chapter 1

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It was a lazy summer's day at the Burrow, and Fred Weasley had decided to catch some sun and possibly work on a tan. Which he knew would annoy his family.

First there was his twin: George. He understood Fred the most, he was the closest sibling he had, and more so; his best friend. He would probably even join him lying on the ground. Second was his sister: Ginny. She would probably complain at not wanting to see her brother with out a shirt on. Third: His mother. She would fuss the most about him being sun burnt. He knew that she would even bring him a shirt, sunscreen and probably an umbrella.

As Fred shut his eyelids to shield his sight from the bright sunlight, he heard someone start to walk on the ground towards him. The footsteps got louder, then suddenly stopped right next to him. He felt a sudden shadow over himself.

"Very nice Fred. Working on your tan I see." A sweet semi-recognisable voice, said to him.

"Well thanks love..." Fred trailed off as he opened his eyes to realize who he was taking to. Staring down at him with a smirk on her face was none other than Hermione Granger.

"I... um... about what I said..." Fred began.

"It's fine Fred. Forget it." The younger girl said as she strolled towards the Burrow with her suitcase in hand.

"Bye Fred." Hermione called over her shoulder to him while waving at him.

Fred watched her as she walked straight into the house and hugged Mrs Weasley.

"She looks beautiful today." said a voice. Fred turned around but there was no one there. It was only an imagination, which meant that he had thought the words.

He shook the feeling off and then decided to go grab some food. So he walked towards the house and through the open door.He had only registered that Hermione was in the room when he opened the fridge door. As he stuck his head in he felt a smile creep onto his face.

"Stop smiling you idiot." said that same voice in his head as before.

Once he stopped smiling, or at least he thought that he had, he closed the fridge door. He turned around and realised that Hermione was staring straight at his shirtless body.

"Fred Weasley, go put on a shirt. We have a guest." Mrs Weasley hissed at him while standing in front of Hermione to try to prevent her from seeing. "And you best hope that you didn't get burnt while laying around in that sun earlier." She ushered him quickly out of the kitchen.

As he went up the stairs, he heard his mother apologise to Hermione, "I'm sorry Hermione, he should have more consideration sometimes."

"It's okay Mrs Weasley, really." Hermione replied, Fred smiled at this.

Hermione was staying for the rest of the summer with the Weasleys. His parents had talked to Hermione's family about her being able to stay and be with her friends before school went back. But he knew the real reason behind it was that everyone was on edge every since 'You Know Who' was said to have returned at the end of the last school year.

Although many people didn't believe what Harry had said, the Weasley's and Fred did. Although Harry had said a number of things in the past that seemed crazy, Fred always believed that he wasn't. If Hermione had believed Harry, then Fred would believe Harry. To Fred, anything that Hermione stood by, he would do the same.

It broke his heart sometimes that she didn't know how he felt about her, and had for the last few years. She was smart, beautiful, level headed and was still fun at times; he liked to think that he was all those things too.

This year, he hoped it would be different. He would go out of his way to impress her. To protect her, as it seemed from her past track record that she had a bad habit of getting into trouble about as much as he and George did, but in a different manner of course. 

"This summer would start it all," Fred thought to himself, and he wasn't wrong.

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