Chapter 7

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Ginny titled her head to the left, squinting her eyes at Hermione "What took you so long to answer the door? Are you hiding someone in there?" She joked with her arms folded.

"Ha. Yeah, I'm totally hiding someone." Hermione laughed at her, as she half stood in the doorway she mostly blocked Ginny's view of the room. On the other side of door Fred stood silent and still like a statue.

As Hermione answered his sister, he poked her in the left arm which was holding the door handle inside the room.

In return she slapped his hand away. "Right." Ginny said slowly.

"Well can I come in?"

"Um, Ginny I'm sorry but the room is a mess." Hermione quickly answered.

The red headed girl squinted her eyes again "But you only got here just before lunch, today. How can it be messy already?"

"I was, um, looking for something that I misplaced earlier. I thought that I had forgotten it, but I did eventually find it." Hermione said trying to sound convincing.

"Oh, okay. Well what you misplace, then find?"

"Um. It was my favourite... bra." Hermione nodded slowly pursing her lips, but in her head she face palmed herself. Behind the door Fred started to snicker, he had to cover his mouth with his hands to make sure that Ginny didn't hear him.

"Oh. Well that's good..." Ginny trailed off. "I'll guess that I might see you later then. I'll leave you with your favourite... bra." She laughed as she walked down the stairs back to her room, leaving Hermione standing in the door, with it still half open.

"Are you going to stand there all day in that door?" Fred asked. Hermione shook her head, closing the door and turning to face him, expecting him to be behind the door but he wasn't. She turned fully around to see him standing in the middle of the room, with his arms folded, smirking at her.

"What?" She questioned.

"Your favourite bra?" He cracked up laughing at her. In response she furrowed her eyebrows.

"You should be lucky that I didn't rat your ass out to your little sister though."

He stopped laughing. "Why would you want to do a thing like that. She would then make sure that I was not allowed to step with in five metres of you. Let alone kiss you."

"Yeah probably true."Hermione laughed.

"Now, what were we doing before we were interrupted? Oh yes. We were snogging." Fred said pulling Hermione close and their lips met again, hungry for each other.

This kiss was rougher than the first, but the passion was still there. This time Fred didn't even have to try to allow Hermione to let his tongue have access to her mouth.

After a few minutes the pair had to pull apart, to be able to breathe some air. Fred looked at her with his blue eyes, to her brown eyes. This made her blush like mad, and she couldn't hide that in any way.

"'Mione your face has turned the same shade as my hair." Fred joked, still holding in his arms as she looked away from him, as she was now blushing uncontrollably.

Fred leaned in and started to kiss her softly on her neck. "Mmm." She said liking what he was doing. She moved her arms and wrapped them around his neck. Fred started to pull her up so that he was now lifting her with her legs now wrapped around his torso.

He turned his head back to make their lips meet again as he walked over to the wall. Hermione moved her hands to pull through his hair, while he still had his hands wrapped around her waist. The two pulled apart for air again, but their foreheads were still touching each other.

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